Happy Friday ئاپەکان

New 3D Engine Live Wallpaper 6.0
Happy Friday
This live wallpaper will show you how theinternal combustion engine in a car, motorcycle, train or evenplane. Jet living wallpaper for you. It will be interesting to youand also your children, show everyone how your car works. Motor isan engineering marvel.The modern car often driven by an internal combustion engine.Such engines, there are many. They differ in volume, number ofcylinders, power, speed, use of fuel (diesel, petrol and gasICE).As the engine is running and what is called a four-strokeinternal combustion engine? On the internal combustion clear.Inside the engine burns fuel. Why 4 cycles engine, what is it?Indeed, there are two-stroke engines. But cars are used rarely.Four-stroke engine called because his work can be divided intofour levels according to the time of. Piston held four times in thecylinder - half up and half down. Tact begins with finding thepiston in the extreme top or bottom point. In the drivers-mechanicsis called top dead center (TDC) and bottom dead center (NMT).First time - time to the inletThe first cycle, he's intake begins with TDC (top dead center).Moving down the cylinder piston sucks the fuel-air mixture. Thework of this cycle is the open intake valve. By the way, there aremany engines with multiple intake valves. Their number, size, timespent in the open state can significantly affect engine power.There are engines which, according to the press on the gas pedal,there is an increase in forced residence time of the intake valvesopen. This is done to increase the amount of fuel intake, which,after ignition, increases engine power. The car, in this case, canaccelerate much faster.The second time - compression strokeThe next cycle of the engine - the compression stroke. Once thepiston reaches the lowest point, it begins to rise upwards, thuscompressing the mixture in the cylinder got the beat intake. Thefuel mixture is compressed to the volume of the combustion chamber.What is this such a camera? The free space between the top of thepiston and the top of the cylinder stroke while in the top deadcenter called a combustion chamber. Valves in this cycle engineshut completely. The more tightly they are closed, the compressionis better. Of great importance in this case, the state of thepiston, cylinder, piston rings. If there are large gaps, you do notget good compression, and accordingly, the power of the engine willbe much lower. Compression can check special device. The magnitudeof compression can be concluded about the degree of wear of theengine.The third time - strokeThe third time - work begins with TDC. The working he calledaccidental. It is in this cycle the action that makes the car move.In this cycle, the work enters ignition system. Why is thisso-called system? And because it is responsible for igniting thefuel mixture in the cylinder is compressed in the combustionchamber. Compatibility is very simple - the system gives the sparkof a candle. Please note that spark on the spark plug is issued afew degrees to reach the top of the piston. These degrees in modernengine automatically adjusted "intelligence" of the car. Once thefuel is lit, there is an explosion - it dramatically increases involume, causing the piston to move down. Valves in this cycle ofthe engine, as in the previous year, are closed.
Grin Dogs Smile Live Wallpaper 1.0
Happy Friday
Dogs do show happiness outwardly, but notnecessarily using their mouths. When a dog feels genuinely at ease,he may actually position his mouth in a way that truly resembles asmile. But he might make such a face when he's not really at ease,too.Smiling DogBody language can be an effective gauge of how at ease a dog feels.Happy dogs have a general looseness to their bodies, and thatapplies to the mouth area, too. If the sides of your pooch's mouthpoint slightly higher than the rest of it, that often -- but notalways -- signifies that all is wonderful in your dog's world forthe moment. More telling is your dog's tongue. A loose-hangingtongue combined with a mouth slightly ajar generally points to agood moods in a doggy, according to the Caring Hands Humane Societywebsite. Although dogs don't actually smile like humans, theysometimes happen to make expressions that look like smiles.We’ve all been there. That moment when you look at your dog andyou see their face, their tongue sticking out, looking like theyjust heard a silly joke. You think, “Awwwww my dog’s smiling!” Butare they really smiling the way we humans do? Are their smiles anexpression of happiness like ours is?Over time, your dog’s smiles may actually indicate genuinehappiness or contentment, as in his mind, he’s created theassociation between smiling and getting rewarded for it.Now watch this compilation of the cutest doggie smiles ever, andbe comforted by the fact that you may have subconsciously trainedyour dog to smile. :)100 Weird Facts About Dogs:1. It is a myth that dogs are color blind. They can actually seein color, just not as vividly as humans. It is akin to our visionat dusk.2. Dogs DO have better low-light vision than humans because of aspecial light-reflecting layer behind their retinas3. A German Shepherd guide dog led her blind companion theentire 2100 mile Appalachian Trail4. If never spayed or neutered, a female dog, her mate, andtheir puppies could produce over 66,000 dogs in 6 years!5. Dogs’ only sweat glands are between their paw pads6. Like human babies, Chihuahuas are born with a soft spot intheir skull which closes with age7. The breed Lundehune has 6 toes and can close its ears8. Teddy Roosevelt’s dog, Pete, ripped a French ambassador’spants off at the White House9. President Lyndon Johnson had two beagles named Him andHer10. Franklin Roosevelt spent $15,000 for a destroyer to pick uphis Scottie in the Aleutian Islands11. In Roman times, mastiffs donned light armor and were sentafter mounted knights12. The Russians trained dogs during WWII to run suicidemissions with mines strapped to their backs13. A dog’s mouth exerts 150-200 pounds of pressure per squareinch14. … with some dogs exerting up to 450 pounds per squareinch.15. A one year old dog is as mature, physically, as a 15 yearold human16. The U.S. has the highest dog population in the world17. France has the 2nd highest18. The average city dog lives 3 years longer than a countrydog19. 87% of dog owners say their dog curls up beside them or attheir feet while they watch T.V.20. Dogs can be trained to detect epileptic seizures21. 15 people die in the U.S. every year from dog bites22. In 2002 alone, more people in the U.S. were killed by dogsthan by sharks in the past 100 years23. Gidget is the name of the Taco Bell dog24. Newfoundlands are great swimmers because of their webbedfeet25. Basset Hounds cannot swim26. Greyhounds are the fastest dogs on earth, with speeds of upto 45 miles per hour27. Bingo is the name of the dog on the side of the Cracker Jackbox28. The bible mentions dogs 14 times29. Three dogs survived the sinking of the Titanic – aNewfoundland, a Pomeranian, and a Pekingese30. The Labrador Retriever is the #1 favorite breed in the U.S.,Canada, and the U.K.
Dogs Shaking II Live Wallpaper 2.0
Happy Friday
A selection of fun in its own interestingmoments with the way the water shaking dog - funny angles andunusual shots that we can not see with their naked eye, look slowmotion. Spectacle unforgettable for all dog lovers.For dog owners usually see several times a day as their petshaking vigorously. On all sides are flying drool and dog muzzledistorted beyond recognition ...Naturally, when the dog shaking from water or snowadhering.But the dog manages to shaking not only when wet, but in the othercases. For example, being in a warm room after being outside incold weather.For example, a dog may shaking unexpectedly received someinformation which foretells her something nice, for example,information about the upcoming walk, or requires some action.The dog can also shaking arose from his bed after sleep.The dog can not scratch herself, but she sometimes uses Shakingwool to remove foreign bodies, which did not get his paw.Coupled with other movements and loud sounds Shaking can serve as asignal to other dogs that expected something nice for themboth.For these images, use the latest technologies to implement Slowshooting.Interesting Facts:- Dogs - the only animals that can recognize our emotions. Theyglance is enough to see you rejoice or grieve. They can evenempathize with people experiencing the same emotions that theirowners.- It turns out that dogs sweat too. But unlike people who sweatexcreted through the skin across the surface of the body, he comesacross dogs paws. You can verify this by posposterihavshy dog ​​ona hot summer day. A characteristic feature is salty smell.- Prints Dog noses are unique because they are used for theidentification of animals, as well as fingerprints are used toidentify the person. Forensic often use this fact in theinvestigation of crimes involving animals and their owners.- Greyhounds - is not only the fastest dogs, able to accelerate to72 km / h, it is also the only breed of dog that is mentioned inthe Bible (Proverbs of Solomon 30:31, King James version).- Actually Pit Bull breed there. Pit Bull - a collective name suchspecies as American Pit Bull Terrier, American StaffordshireTerrier, Bull Terrier, American dog, the Japanese Tosa, Dogue deBordeaux, Bulldog.- Considered the oldest Saluki breed dogs. In ancient Egypt theybelonged to families of rulers. These dogs are very respected andeven their mummified after death together with pharaohs.- As we have already noted Greyhounds - the fastest among dogs, butthe Huskies - the hardiest. Sledding with Huskies can travel morethan 60 km per day, moving at a speed over 17 km / h.- Considered the most intelligent dogs Border Collie - normalpoodle and German shepherd. Afghan Hound Basenji and, conversely,is the most stupid dogs.- Poodle homeland is Germany. The word "poodle" is derived from theGerman «pudel» or «pudelhund», which means "dog who plyuskayetsya."The world famous grooming poodles that hunters sheared these dogs,that they were comfortable swim, leaving only a little wool to keepwarm.- Laika became the first living creature that visited Earth orbit.Her flight on Sputnik 2 was held in 1957. Although she died duringthe flight, her daughter, Slaked birth to 4 puppies of terrierCharlie, the owner of which was US President John F. Kennedy.- English Mastiff Zorba, born in 1981, was the greatest dog ever.His weight was more than 155 kg, and length from nose to tail -251.5 cm.
Puppy Licks Screen Animation 2.0
Happy Friday
Dog Screen Cleaner, is a incredible and funnyLive Wallpaper. Displays an adorable puppy, licking the screen ofyour smartphone.The rarest breed of dog is Chinook, which was originallylaunched in New Hampshire in the early XX century as sled dogs.Even at the peak of popularity the number of dogs of this breed wasless than 300 individuals, and by 1966 dropped to 125 later in '12had only 28 dogs of this breed, but since then their number hasmore than doubled thanks to the efforts of the Association ofOwners Dog breeds Chinook. In September 1985 in New York, was bornsix puppies, and breed began to count 76 individuals (all - in theUS). To include very rare species as well: American hairlessterrier and Cau de Fila de San Miguel.Danish dog from Sacramento (California, US) named the world'stallest dog. The dog named Gibson upright reaches 2 meters and 10centimeters.Bassethaund living in the German city of Fulda hit the GuinnessBook of Records for his longest ears in the world, whose length is33.2 centimeters. Ears dog named Jack is so long that sometimescomes to them. He has to constantly make efforts that they are notdragged on the ground.The smallest adult dog breed Yorkshire terrier (1944) - his weightwas 113 grams. Besides yorkshyrtsiv smallest dog found among rockschihuaha (length 12.5 cm at the withers) and dwarf poodle.The dog named Saur (Saur), or Suyinh (Suening) was the head ofstate in the eleventh century AD within three years. Norwegianking, angry at his surroundings, refused the throne and demandedthat the court and the wife gave favors dog as he was king.Ancient Greek dog named Soter (Soter) was one of the 50 ancientGreece watchdogs that reflect enemy attack; in battle he is theonly survivor and ran to the gates of Corinth to warn residents ofthe dangers that threatened them.Dogs full color vision have not. Guide dogs can not distinguish redfrom green traffic light, so they are oriented in the flow oftraffic. In greyhound dogs among the best vision.Dogs perceive a moving object rather than a person. However, theyperceive less detail object. When the subject is far from static,for dogs it is almost invisible. Studies have shown that dogs cannot see its owner if it is at a distance of 300 yards (about 270meters) and not moving. On the other hand a person sees a dog at adistance of a mile if he waving his arms. Dogs have a broaderreview than a man. See hound an angle of 270 degrees, but usuallydogs have a review of the order of 250 degrees. But the man is ableto inspect 180 degrees.Each dog has three eyelids: top, bottom and side - it is hidden inthe inner corner of the eye. The third eyelid can come and sail infrom the corner of the eye in order to clean the surface of theeye.In 42 dogs teeth. Six pairs of sharp incisors in front. Two pairsof large canines. Other teeth - root (premolars and molars).Cutters and canines dog are especially needed, he bites them andbreaks food.Dog tongue needed in order to guide food into the throat, lickingfor wool and for temperature control. When overheated dog bodylanguage and put forward cooled. But the dog sweat through the padson the feet, released through the skin sweat a little.It was established that dogs can hear sounds at up to 35 kHz. Forcomparison, the upper limit of human hearing - 20 kHz.Man and dog have a 97% joint in the structure of genes. It isnatural that we take well to their close relatives.The brain weighs 100 grams dogs, cats - 32 hAfter parting with the owner, the dogs go barking briefly andhigher tone. When the doorbell rings, the dog react loudly andabruptly, sometimes going on extended "superhavkit." While playing,these animals bark rough, high voice.Properly trained Arab greyhounds never kill his venison, but onlysnack beast bundles on their hind legs. This is done in order tonot spoil rancid in the heat.
Dino T-Rex 3D Live Wallpaper 2.0
Happy Friday
Go back to the ages when dinosaurs walked theEarth! "Dinosaurs Live Wallpaper" free app for Android ™ gives youthe best dinosaur wallpaper that will leave you breathless. So ifyou want to personalize your phone or tablet these top livewallpaper is the best solution for you. Do not miss the opportunityto download a free app, it's a chance to have a life HD backgroundsfor free!Feel like you are in Jurassic Park, watching tyrannosaurus T-Rex,triceratops and predators. You have to admit that the feeling isgreat because these best live wallpapers that look so realistic andreal works of art. Take a dinosaur LWP you like and decorate yourhome screen and be proud of the new look of your phone ortablet.Recently removed many movies where the characters are ancientanimals. Consider the interesting facts about dinosaurs.1. According to scientists from the most primitive dinosaurs areEoraptor lunensis. Its length does not exceed 1 meter, dinosaurnalezhyv to a number of theropods. Scientists have found hisskeleton in 1933 during excavations conducted in Argentina.2. In the US state of Kentucky scientists have discovered theremains of the oldest dinosaur - he lived 310 million yearsago.3. Dinosaurs considered the largest of all the animals that livedon Earth. But even among these giants alone is Supersaurus kind ofweight, which is equal to the weight of 10 elephants.4. Speaking of interesting facts about dinosaurs, it should benoted and their life - they lived more than a century.5. Some dinosaurs such as Stegosaurus - a typical inhabitant of theCretaceous period were herbivores. The body length of this type wasless than 9 meters.6. And here is the "extended" dinosaur - a Brachiosaurus. Accordingto the reconstruction of his body detected prints on foot, he had alength of about 48 meters.7. resemble our usual rhino triceratops that the man in the streetwas the Cretaceous period, had a body length of 7 meters. Thisherbivores lived in North America.8. The citizen of Europe and North America Cretaceous plesiosaurtimes was an animal with a very long neck. And dinosaur body lengthwas 16 meters. It is carnivorous, feeding on marine invertebratesand fish living in the sea.9. Another resident of the Cretaceous period - tyrannosaurus thatinhabited Asia and North America, with a body length of 14 meterswas the largest known carnivorous of land animals.10. The smallest representatives of these animals were a littlemore chicken. They were residents of France, Germany and Russia(kopsohnatus type) and the current US state of Colorado (typefabrozavriv). Kopsohnatusa length - 70-75 cm and weighs 3 kg,fabrozavriv - about 75 cm, and they weigh more than 6 kg.11. torozavriv was the largest skull - almost 3 meters long, andweighs 2 tons. Roslynoyadnoho lizard neck of the bone protectingshield. With a length of about 7.6 meters, this dinosaur weighedalmost 8 tons.12. Scientists have developed a method for determining the speed ofmovement of dinosaur tracks on the parameters, laid them......Home ➤Menu ➤ Wallpaper➤ Wall Live Wallpaper- Share wallpapers with friends has never been easier;- Many settings;- Best quality "Full HD 1080p";- Various 3D-effect;- User-friendly interface (UI),- Supports phones and tablets;- Works on 90% of the existing devices;- Decorates your phone.Our wallpapers are unique in its kind, we are in the top 10 ofthe best developers of live wallpapers for android. Only the mostinteresting themes and wallpapers. Steep We love you. All ourprograms are free. Contact us!If you like what we do, please support us. Rate our wallpaper. Puta positive assessment of "5 stars". This add inspiration to us, andwe will continue to delight you.If you have questions or suggestions, please contact us byemail. We will be pleased. Thank you!
Night Light Jelly Fish 3D LWP 2.0
Happy Friday
Who doesn't love going to an Aquarium andwatching these mesmerizing creatures of the underwater world?! Saveyourself a ton of time by downloading our live wallpaper"Jellyfishes 3D" and enjoy this fascinating beauty whenever youwant! We guarantee that watching these beautiful jellyfishes youwill relax and leave all your troubles behind!Enjoy these mysterious creatures of the deep. Their elegantforms, beautiful colors, and smooth motions take you to a world oftranquility and delight. These lovely creatures even respond toyour touch in their unique ways! Aside from a full list of presettheme selections, you can create your own with custom colors andlight settings. This sophisticated app has a surprisingly smallfootprint of power consumption and memory size. These jellies swimsmoothly on devices ranging from the latest tablets to low-end cellphones. This is all possible thanks to our superb proprietaryrendering technology, and our relentless push of boundaries oftechnology and art quality. This is your ultimate live jellyfishwallpaper. Enjoy!Fun Jellyfish Facts for KidsCheck out our range of fun jellyfish facts for kids. Learn whatjellyfish look like, what they eat, where they live and muchmore.Read on and enjoy a variety of interesting information aboutjellyfish.Jellyfish live in the sea and are found in all oceans.Some jellyfish live in fresh water.Jellyfish look a little like umbrellas.Jellyfish can be large and brightly colored.They can often be transparent (see-through) or translucent(semi-translucent).Some can be very hard to see, nearly invisible to the humaneye.Although the word is mentioned in their name, jellyfish are notfish.A group of jellyfish is called a ‘bloom’, ‘swarm’ or‘smack’.Large blooms can feature over 100000 jellyfish.Jellyfish don’t have brains.Jellyfish use their tentacles to sting. Most are harmless tohumans but stings from some species, such as the box jellyfish, canbe very painful and sometimes kill.Box jellyfish are almost transparent (see-through).Jellyfish eat plankton. Some sea turtles eat jellyfish.Jellyfish movements inspired a new way to flyIt's probably not that surprising that jellyfish have served asinspiration for swimming robots. However, it's more unusual to seea sea creature inspire a flying machine, but that's just whathappened at New York University.Jellyfish can clone themselvesIf a jellyfish is cut in two, the pieces of the jellyfish canregenerate and create two new organisms. Similarly, if a jellyfishis injured, it may clone itself and potentially produce hundreds ofoffspring.Jellyfish and jelly-like sea creatures come in an immenselydiverse range of forms. Animals that are typically called jellyfishbelong to the phylum Cnidaria, which includes over 10,000 species.However, some jelly-like animals, like the comb jelly, belong tothe phylum Ctenophora. This taxonomic difficulty has lead marinebiologists to ask if there's even such a thing as a jellyfish......Home ➤Menu ➤ Wallpaper➤ Wall Live Wallpaper- Share wallpapers with friends has never been easier;- Many settings;- Best quality "Full HD 1080p";- Various 3D-effect;- User-friendly interface (UI),- Supports phones and tablets;- Works on 90% of the existing devices;- Decorates your phone.Our wallpapers are unique in its kind, we are in the top 10 ofthe best developers of live wallpapers for android. Only the mostinteresting themes and wallpapers. Steep We love you. All ourprograms are free. Contact us!If you like what we do, please support us. Rate our wallpaper. Puta positive assessment of "5 stars". This add inspiration to us, andwe will continue to delight you.If you have questions or suggestions, please contact us byemail. We will be pleased. Thank you!
Shiva Dance Live Wallpaper 1.0
Happy Friday
Shiva, also known as Mahadeva, is one of theTrinity deities of Hinduism.He is the god from which the two ofthree trinity deities was differentiated from.He is"Anand" . He isthe supreme god within Shaivism, one of the three most influentialdenominations in contemporary Hinduism. He is one of the fiveprimary forms of God in the Smarta Tradition and "the Destroyer" or"the Transformer".At the highest level, Shiva is regarded as limitless,transcendent, unchanging and formless. Shiva also has manybenevolent and fearsome forms. In benevolent aspects, he isdepicted as an omniscient Yogi who lives an ascetic life on MountKailash, as well as a householder with wife Parvati and his twochildren, Ganesha and Kartikeya, and in fierce aspects, he is oftendepicted slaying demons. Shiva is also regarded as the patron godof yoga and arts.The main iconographical attributes of Shiva are the third eye onhis forehead, the snake Vasuki around his neck, the adorningcrescent moon, the holy river Ganga flowing from his matted hair,the trishula as his weapon and the damaru as his musicalinstrument. Shiva is usually worshiped in the aniconic form ofLingam.The worship of Shiva is a pan-Hindu tradition, practiced widelyacross all of India, Nepal and Sri Lanka.Assimilation of traditionsSee also: Roots of HinduismThe figure of Shiva as we know him today was built up over time,with the ideas of many regional sects being amalgamated into asingle figure. How the persona of Shiva converged as a compositedeity is not well documented. According to Vijay Nath:Visnu and Siva began to absorb countless local cults and deitieswithin their folds. The latter were either taken to represent themultiple facets of the same god or else were supposed to denotedifferent forms and appellations by which the god came to be knownand worshipped. Siva became identified with countless local cultsby the sheer suffixing of Isa or Isvara to the name of the localdeity, e.g., Bhutesvara, Hatakesvara, Chandesvara.An example of assimilation took place in Maharashtra, where aregional deity named Khandoba is a patron deity of farming andherding castes. The foremost center of worship of Khandoba inMaharashtra is in Jejuri. Khandoba has been assimilated as a formof Shiva himself, in which case he is worshipped in the form of alingam. Khandoba's varied associations also include anidentification with Surya and Karttikeya.Indus Valley originsMain article: Pashupati sealSeal discovered during excavation of the Indus Valleyarchaeological site in the Indus Valley has drawn attention as apossible representation of a "yogi" or "proto-Shiva" figureMany Indus valley seals show animals but one seal that hasattracted attention shows a figure, either horned or wearing ahorned headdress and possibly ithyphallic figure seated in aposture reminiscent of the Lotus position and surrounded by animalswas named by early excavators of Mohenjo-daro Pashupati (lord ofcattle), an epithet of the later Hindu gods Shiva and Rudra.SirJohn Marshall and others have claimed that this figure is aprototype of Shiva and have described the figure as having threefaces seated in a "yoga posture" with the knees out and feetjoined.Some academics like Gavin Flood and John Keay have expresseddoubts about this claim. John Keay writes that "He may indeed be anearly manifestation of Lord Shiva as Pashu- pati", but a couple ofhis specialties of this figure does not match with Rudra. Writingin 1997 Doris Meth Srinivasan rejected Marshall's package ofproto-Shiva features, including that of three heads. She interpretswhat John Marshall interpreted as facial as not human but morebovine, possibly a divine buffalo-man.
Halloween Pumpkin Demon LWP 3.0
Happy Friday
Halloween - a holiday of witches, ghosts,vampires and other evil spirits, which until recently activelyobserved only in the US, is now gaining popularity in Europe andgradually covering the former Soviet Union.Halloween - one of the oldest festivals in the world. In thisamazing celebration honoring intertwined keltskatradytsiya evilspirits and Christian - worship of all saints.On the night of November 1, made to dress in costumes of evilspirits and arrange masquerades. These pastimes forgotten ancientmeaning of Halloween - holidays intriguing, mysterious and mythicalmeaningful.It was believed that this time the soul of the dead visit theirformer homes to get warm by the fire. They wander around,collecting donations of food and beverages in the rest of thefamily. The souls of the dead could take many counts - evil couldenter animals. Along with them there are other dark forces, demons,goblins, witches ... All the devil goes down to the ground. Toavoid becoming prey dead shadows, people put out the fire in thehouses and dressed as frightening - in animal skins and heads,hoping rozpolohaty evil spirits.On this night, all the barriers between our and the "other"worlds disappear and the gates are opened between them. So,Halloween - it is also an attempt to understand the relationshipbetween our and the hereafter.On the night of October 31 to November 1 Druids gather in oakgroves on hilltops, lit the fire and brought evil spirits,sacrifices to appease them. It was believed that if the morning tokindle a fire of coals of the fires, it will warm the house duringthe long winter and protect from evil spirits.It was also a time predictions. Legend has it that this nightSamhain opens the gates to the past and future. This is the timewhen a person can realize his place in eternity. On the night ofNovember 1, usually fortunes.About 8 centuries Christianity became the dominant religion whereearlier Druids performed rituals. The Christian church madeNovember 1 "All Saints Day". This celebration of the Saints, who donot have a special day. This day belonged to celebrate the saintsand martyrs. The people "All Saints Day" - All Saints 'Day - calledAllhallowmas (the mass of all Hallows), and the night before theday was called All Hallows Eve - "Eve of All Saints' Day." Thathence the name of the holiday - Halloween."Trick op treating" - children dressed as "scary" costumes andmasks, walk the neighborhood and ask smachne.Pry They shout loudly:"Trick op reat !!!", which loosely translated means "treat usdifferently will be worse !!! ""Bobbing for apples" («catching apples") - divination for unmarriedand single. For this beretsyavelykyy basin of water, which throwsome medium-sized apple on which were written the names or anyforecasts. Sorcerer linking hands and offer catch fruit mouth.Sometimes nekladut apples in water and hung on the ropes, that doesnot make the task easier. This method schestarodavni Celtspracticed for which an apple was a symbol of fertility. It wasbelieved that the girl that zlovylayabluko very soon bemarried......- Share wallpapers with friends has never been so easy;- Many settings;- Best Quality "Full HD 1080p";- Various 3D effect;- User-friendly interface (UI);- Supports phones and tablets;- Works on 90% of existing devices;- Decorates your phone.Our wallpapers are unique in its kind, we are in the top 10 bestdevelopers live wallpaper for android. Only the most interestingtopics and coolest wallpaper. We love you. All our Programs arefree. Like us!If you like what we do, please support us. Evaluate ourwallpaper. Put a positive assessment of "5 stars". This addinspiration to us and we will continue to delight you.If you have questions or propositions, please contact us bymail. We will be pleased. Thank you!
Engine Assembly Live Wallpaper 1.0
Happy Friday
This live wallpaper will show you how theinternal combustion engine in a car, motorcycle, train or evenplane. Jet living wallpaper for you. It will be interesting to youand also your children, show everyone how your car works. Motor isan engineering marvel.The modern car often driven by an internal combustion engine.Such engines, there are many. They differ in volume, number ofcylinders, power, speed, use of fuel (diesel, petrol and gasICE).As the engine is running and what is called a four-strokeinternal combustion engine? On the internal combustion clear.Inside the engine burns fuel. Why 4 cycles engine, what is it?Indeed, there are two-stroke engines. But cars are used rarely.Four-stroke engine called because his work can be divided intofour levels according to the time of. Piston held four times in thecylinder - half up and half down. Tact begins with finding thepiston in the extreme top or bottom point. In the drivers-mechanicsis called top dead center (TDC) and bottom dead center (NMT).First time - time to the inletThe first cycle, he's intake begins with TDC (top dead center).Moving down the cylinder piston sucks the fuel-air mixture. Thework of this cycle is the open intake valve. By the way, there aremany engines with multiple intake valves. Their number, size, timespent in the open state can significantly affect engine power.There are engines which, according to the press on the gas pedal,there is an increase in forced residence time of the intake valvesopen. This is done to increase the amount of fuel intake, which,after ignition, increases engine power. The car, in this case, canaccelerate much faster.The second time - compression strokeThe next cycle of the engine - the compression stroke. Once thepiston reaches the lowest point, it begins to rise upwards, thuscompressing the mixture in the cylinder got the beat intake. Thefuel mixture is compressed to the volume of the combustion chamber.What is this such a camera? The free space between the top of thepiston and the top of the cylinder stroke while in the top deadcenter called a combustion chamber. Valves in this cycle engineshut completely. The more tightly they are closed, the compressionis better. Of great importance in this case, the state of thepiston, cylinder, piston rings. If there are large gaps, you do notget good compression, and accordingly, the power of the engine willbe much lower. Compression can check special device. The magnitudeof compression can be concluded about the degree of wear of theengine.The third time - strokeThe third time - work begins with TDC. The working he calledaccidental. It is in this cycle the action that makes the car move.In this cycle, the work enters ignition system. Why is thisso-called system? And because it is responsible for igniting thefuel mixture in the cylinder is compressed in the combustionchamber. Compatibility is very simple - the system gives the sparkof a candle. Please note that spark on the spark plug is issued afew degrees to reach the top of the piston. These degrees in modernengine automatically adjusted "intelligence" of the car. Once thefuel is lit, there is an explosion - it dramatically increases involume, causing the piston to move down. Valves in this cycle ofthe engine, as in the previous year, are closed.
Ink Drops G5 Live Wallpaper 1.0
Happy Friday
Ebru art is an ancient technique of paintingcolors on the water surface Guests consistency. Do not mix togetherpaint applied to the surface of water, and then the special brushesand sticks colors give a different shape. In the resulting liquidon the surface of multicolored ornament impose special paper thatabsorbs ink. Ebru is a traditional Turkish art, passed down fromgeneration to generation.During the Ottoman Empire in a variety of patterns ebru used fordecoration of various books, and nowadays works of art areself-adornment.Making ebru ornaments calms the person and fills positive. That iswhy the interest in this type of painting in time is increasing.What is the history of drawing water?How and where was born this kind of decoration paper, isunknown. Studies of this issue is still ongoing. But in light ofthe currently known facts, it is assumed that Ebru was invented bythe Turks living in the city of Bukhara, in the 14th century. Evenbefore appearing in the Far East product like Ebru, but are not itsmain features. The oldest book about ebru illustrated recognizedwork "Tertib-i Risâle-i Ebrî", referring to the 17th century.The most famous masters of drawing water, play a major role inthe development of Ebru in Turkey are Hatip Mehmet Efendi (died in1773), Hezarfen Edhem Efendi (1829-1904 biennium), Necmettin Okyay(1883-1976 biennium), Mustafa Dyuzgyunman ( 1920-1990biennium).Recently, most of the artists are followers of ebru MustafaDyuzgyunmana.What is ebru technique?Before starting work, the tray is filled with a mixture of waterand a thickener. Traditionally, since ancient times been used as athickener resin prepared from the juice of the plant Astragalus,which has a low degree of stickiness - kitre. To prepare such asolution is needed for 3-4 days: the resin is first placed in thewater for swelling, and then kneaded several times with gradualaddition of water, filtered through a cloth, and only then mixedwith the drinking water to its thickening.Kitri - gum for thickening water for ebruCurrently kitre often used instead of a powdery substanceCarrageenan - a natural gelling agent. The process of obtaininggarraginana takes less time than the resin astragalus, stored thesubstance is longer and cooking water mixture for ebru is mucheasier and faster. About 10 liters of water mixed with 60-70 gramsof the powder and held overnight (until the disappearance of whitefoam) to obtain the desired consistency. In that case, filtering isno longer necessary.
Heavenly Bird Fly Live Wallpap 1.0
Happy Friday
Add the most beautiful Clouds Live Wallpaperwith some great white milky clouds on a beautiful blue sky, withstormy clouds at horizon. You must add this Clouds Live Wallpaperas your live wallpaper if you are a sky and clouds lover.Watch those white clouds passing on your screen, watch that amazingblue sky and have a nice day by seeing them on your phone everyday.Linpus Twilight Sky Live Wallpaper is the latest live wallpapercreated by Linpus Technologies. Fly through the sky and enjoy yourride as you see clouds and other objects flying into the azure sky.The wallpaper uses OpenGL to bring you the best graphics. As youtravel through the azure sky, it gives you a feeling of twilightsaga. Watch the bright sunshine and moonshine as it gives you thefeeling of a real twilight sky. The live wallpaper contains variousthemes to give you a complete experience of a beautiful twilightsky. You can choose any of the four themes to give variety to yourwallpaper. Moreover, you can see the beautiful clouds flying thoughthe azure sky.Find airships (blimps), balloons, UFOs and aeroplanes in the skyand try to catch them if you can. Twilight sky live wallpaperprovides you with the best night sky experience. You can watchstars, moonshine and clouds in the night also. Watch the moonshineand enjoy its beauty. The sunshine and moonshine will keep yourwallpaper always light up.You can watch the beautiful sky giving you the feeling ofsunrise. Those who love to watch sunrise will love this wallpaper.Moreover, the sunshine is enough to provide light in allsituations. The plane flies through the Stratosphere. The cloudsare visible in the Stratosphere too.Night sky live wallpaper - amazing free animated screensaverwith beautiful night sky background, balloons, meteor shower,animated clouds and much more. Install this free live wallpaper nowand enjoy all the beauty of the fantastic night sky view withballoons flying among the clouds, falling stars and glowing stars.This beautiful free live wallpaper will be a great decoration foryour Android phone or tablet.
Asteroid Belt Earth Live WP 1.0
Happy Friday
A dark blanket, contrasting with blacks andyellows, and the occasional white, which is shaped as a circle andsometimes a crescent. There are stars which dot the blanket in aintricate pattern. This is space.Asteroid MiningThe solar system contains many different types of asteroids,grouped by the minerals they contain. The abundances of preciousmetals such as nickel, iron, and titanium (to name a few), andwater make asteroids an attractive target for mining operationswhen humans decide to expand their presence through interplanetaryspace. For example, water from asteroids could serve colonies inspace, while the minerals and metals would be used to buildhabitats and grow food for future space colony inhabitants.Beginning 2013, companies interested in asteroid mining beganannouncing their plans for future operations on distant planetoids.In addition, NASA is looking into similar missions. The biggestobstacles to asteroid mining are the need to develop affordablespaceflight technology that would allow humans to get to theasteroids of interest.Asteroid VestaAsteroidsAsteroids are small, rocky solar system bodies that populateinterplanetary space out to the orbit of Jupiter. There aremillions of them, and they are often grouped by their composition.The planetary …Read moreFacts About The Asteroid BeltWhat other fascinating things do we know about the AsteroidBelt?Asteroid Belt objects are made of rock and stone. Some are solidobjects, while others are orbiting “rubble piles”.The Asteroid Belt contains billions and billions ofasteroids.Some asteroids in the Belt are quite large, but most range in sizedown to pebbles.The asteroid 1/Ceres is also designated as a dwarf planet, thelargest one in the inner solar system.We know of at least 7,000 asteroids.The Asteroid Belt may contain many objects, but they are spread outover a huge area of space. This has allowed spacecraft to movethrough this region without hitting anything.Asteroids get their names from suggestions by their discoverers andare also given a number.The formation of Jupiter disrupted the formation of any worlds inthe Asteroid Belt region by scattering asteroids away. This causedthem to collide and break into smaller pieces.Gravitational influences can move asteroids out of the Belt.The Asteroid Belt is often referred to as the “Main Belt” todistinguish it from other groups of asteroids such as theLagrangians and Centaurs.What is the asteroid belt?The asteroid belt is a region of space between the orbits ofMars and Jupiter where most of the asteroids in our Solar Systemare found orbiting the Sun. The asteroid belt probably containsmillions of asteroids. Astronomers think that the asteroid belt ismade up of material that was never able to form into a planet, orof the remains of a planet which broke apart a very long time ago.The asteroids in the asteroid belt come in a variety of sizes. Someare very small (less than a mile across), while others are quitelarge. The largest asteroid is called Ceres. It is aboutone-quarter the size of our moon. It is a dwarf planet.It was 2029 and the Apophis asteroid was due to pass earth. NASAkept tabs on it's trajectory, a green blip on a black screen. Onemoment it was on a path to pass causing no harm, the next it washeading right for Earth at increased velocity. The control roomrebooted the system, obviously there was an error, but then thesatellites picked it up too...The asteroid hit earth with enough force to send the oceans intospace, leaving our home-world obliterated worse than we everachieved. We had saved our mother earth from our own greed only tosee her destroyed by a rock too large for us to stop. I think itwas then that we took living in an augmented reality seriously - achance to live on Earth again like she was in her hey-day.
Flight over Manhattan LWP 1.0
Happy Friday
1. Twice a year around May 28 and July 12,thesunset aligns with the east-west streets of the main street gridofManhattan, filling the horizon with an unrivaled cityscape.Thisevent has become known as Manhattanhenge–as coined by NYCnativeNeil deGrasse Tyson.2. The subway musicians are known as buskers and they havetoaudition in order to play here. That’s because the subway stopatTime Square can see 173,000 pass through, which is 10 timestheaudience of a sold out show at Madison Square Garden.3. Buskers have been auditioning to fight for a two-weekpermitthat allows them to play at prime locations throughout thesubwaysince 1985. Some of them have gone on to play CarnegieHall.4. Times Square uses 161 megawatts of electricity everyyear.5. That’s enough energy to power approximately 161,000 averageUShomes and twice the electricity required to power all of thecasinosin Las Vegas.6. To compare the difference of life here beforethe“Disneyfication” of the city, just look at the facts. 1992saw2,154 murders occur, while 2012 cut that number down to 414.7. Times Square is named after the New York Times building.8. It take approximately 75,000 trees to print a Sundayeditionof The New York Times newspaper.9. The largest printing of the New York Times was aSundayedition that was delivered on September 14, 1987. With 1,612pages,the paper weighed a whopping 12 pounds. That’s twice the sizeofthe average weight of a newborn baby.10. When you think of large, sparkly lights in Manhattan,youprobably think of the famous New Year’s Eve ball, but youshouldprobably think of the star at the top of the belovedChristmas treeat 30 Rock. This 550 pound Swarovski star is madefrom 25,000crystals, 720 LED bulbs, 44circuit boards, and about3,000 feet ofwire and is worth an estimated $1.5 million.11. The first Christmas Tree went up in Rockefeller Centerin1933 during the Great Depression. The workmen were so gratefultohave the job, they decorated the tree with strings ofcranberries,garland made of paper, and tin cans. On Christmas Eve,they linedup under the tree and received the greatest gift ofall:paychecks.12. How does Rockefeller Center manage to find theperfectseven-story spruce tree each holiday season? They conductaerialsearches by helicopter, of course, and have it shipped to thecityduring the night when the streets aren’t as gridlocked.13. After the Rockefeller tree is taken down for the year,itcontinues to get put to good use. In 2005, Habitat forHumanityused the wood to make doorframes for houses for the needyand in2012, the paper went towards publishing a book calledTheCarpenter’s Gift.14. It costs $1 million to be licensed to operate a cab here.No,that is not a typo.15. When Philippe Petit walked 61 meters between the TwinTowersof the World Trade Center on a tightrope nearly 1,300 feetabovethe street in 1975, he not only broke records, but he brokelaws aswell. It has since been called the “artistic crime ofthecentury.”16. Philippe Petit planned his tightrope stunt for months.Heconducted internal research on the buildings by dressing up likeaconstruction workers and office employees and forged ID cardstoget through security. He and his team used a bow and arrow topasslarge ropes across the divide of the buildings so that theycouldstring the steel cable which he used.17. Petit was offered to be cleared of all charges inexchangefor doing community service in the act of a publicperformance forchildren in Central Park. He did a high-wire walkover Turtle Pondand has gone on to perform all over the world,including New YorkCity, numerous times.18. Permits to sell hot dogs from the much beloved food cartsinthe city can cost as much as $289,000 per year in the CentralParkarea19. The Empire State Building has its own zip code, 10118.
Tyrannosaurus Run GoGo 1.0
Happy Friday
Dinosaurs are a diverse group of animals oftheclade Dinosauria. They first appeared during the Triassicperiod,231.4 million years ago, and were the dominantterrestrialvertebrates for 135 million years, from the start of theJurassicuntil the end of the Cretaceous, when theCretaceous–Paleogeneextinction event led to the extinction of mostdinosaur groups atthe end of the Mesozoic Era. The fossil recordindicates that birdsare modern feathered dinosaurs, having evolvedfrom theropodancestors during the Jurassic Period. Birds were theonly dinosaursto survive the extinction event that occurred 66million years.Dinosaurs are a varied group of animals fromtaxonomic,morphological and ecological standpoints. Birds, at over10,000living species, are the most diverse group of vertebratesbesidesperciform fish. Using fossil evidence, paleontologistshaveidentified over 500 distinct genera and more than 1,000differentspecies of non-avian dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are representedon everycontinent by both extant species and fossil remains. Someareherbivorous, others carnivorous. While dinosaurs wereancestrallybipedal, many extinct groups included quadrupedalspecies, and somewere able to shift between these stances.Elaborate displaystructures such as horns or crests are common toall dinosaurgroups, and some extinct groups developed skeletalmodificationssuch as bony armor and spines.Return to the ages when dinosaurs walked the Earth!"Dinosaurs Live Wallpaper" free app for Android ™ givesyou the best wallpapers dinosaurs that will leave youdelighted. Feel like you are in Jurassic Park, watchingtyrannosaurus T-Rex, triceratops and predators. Takethis with a monster and decorate your home phone screen.A dragon is a mythological representation of a reptile.Inantiquity, dragons were mostly envisaged as serpents, but sincetheMiddle Ages, it has become common to depict them withlegs,resembling a lizard.In European folklore, the powerful creatures are viewed asevilmonsters and bear resemblance to lizards and dinosaurs, whereasinChina they are considered to be divine creatures that bringgoodluck and stand for wisdom , strength , as well as for theemperor,or the king of the sea. Magnificent and mysterious dragonsare nolonger depicted as monsters slain by heroes. Instead, theyarepopular manga and anime characters nowadays. Do you want apetdragon or a blood dragon to appear before your eyes right now?Ifso, let the dragon age era commence. Ryujin can be your newvirtualpet – this free wallpaper lets you admire this Japanesedragon asset it as one of your new free screensavers. No matter ifyouprefer “Chinese dragon” to the European one, “Dragon Wallpaper”hasthem all. Download “Dragon Live Wallpaper” and choose yourfavoritebackground! The coolest “live wallpaper” on the market.Hurry upand get it!
Speed Race F1 Live Wallpaper 1.0
Happy Friday
World Championship in the class "Formula1"takes place every year and consists of a Grand Prix, orstages,which are held on specially built tracks or trained streets.At theend of the season, the results of all races the winner ofthechampionship. In Formula 1 compete as individual drivers andteams.Pilot winner gets the title of world champion and winningteamreceives the Cup of designers.World Championship in theclass"Formula 1" takes place every year and consists of a GrandPrix, orstages, which are held on specially built tracks ortrainedstreets. At the end of the season, the results of all racesthewinner of the championship. In Formula 1 compete asindividualdrivers and teams. Pilot winner gets the title of worldchampionand winning team receives the Cup of designers.This application is the one choice for you if you like F1RacingCar Wallpaper!!!Features of "F1 Racing Car Wallpaper " app:- Lots of perfect Wallpapers in HD Quality! For FREE!- Application works offline. No need to download wallpapers.- Collection of F1 Racing Car Wallpaper is easy to view and easytoset as wallpapers.- Every photo wallpaper is awesome!- Easy to save every wallpaper to your SD card.- You can browse photos in icon or full mode.- Supports pan and zoom! You can crop photo and choose mostlikedpart of wallpaper. Cropping work very simple.- Supports screen rotation.- Supports all screen resolutions and devices(includingtablets).- Optimized for all devices.- You can share Beautiful photos via twitter, e-mail,facebook,twitter, MMS and other ways. Share best Wallpapers in HDQuality toyour friends!- FREE and always will be.- Easy to use, easy to download.
Iron T-100 3D Live Wallpaper 1.0
Happy Friday
The robot took a brain scan and a full setofvitals before she'd even presented her identification. Itthencompared the biometrics to the account holder of the plasticcardbefore him. No match. With pre-programmed perfection therobotwelcomed her in flawless and smooth speech with just therightinflections to put her at ease. At the same time the exitsealed."Please tell me your full name." The voice scan was comparedto theaccount holder before she finished speaking. No match. Therobotoffered her a drink and made small talk, gleaning informationfromher body language with each answer, building it's case againstherwith legal-language ready to send the document to the courtbeforeshe realized she was sprung. After a few sips the robottopped upthe glass, taking epithelials from the rim. In threeseconds shewas identified as the account holder's sister.Unemployed, nohealth insurance, no means of income. Charges werefiled as therobot offered sugar biscuits.The robots were so human that nobody could tell thedifference.They moved, talked and gestured like anyone else. Theysometimesmade bad jokes and looked socially awkward. Sometimes theywerecharming and self-assured. They could read even yourmicro-facialexpressions and alter their conversation accordingly.Often theywere police officers and the differences became moreapparent whenthe bullets bounced off and they could run four timesthe speed ofanyone else. They could even marry and become parents,the gametesbeing obtained from a bank when they required it. Butrarely wasthis allowed, whilst their partner and children would agetheywould remain in the peak of physical fitness. Bereavementoflongterm partners always fried up their circuitry for a while.Iwasn't long before the robots were inventing ways todownloadhumans into devices for storage and later reactivation.As they sat down, he aimed his ultraviolet light-pencil ataserving robot. Unlike Mardukan robots, which looked likesurrealistconceptions of Pre-Atomic armored knights, it was asmooth ovoidfloating a few inches from the floor on its owncontragravity; asit approached, its top opened like a burstingbeetle shell andhinged trays of food swung out. The boy looked atit infascination.On scanning her eyeball at the entry the house-lights came onandsoft jazz played from the hidden sound system, the same volumeinevery room. In the kitchen a machine dispensed Baileys and iceintoa glass and the heating system reprogrammed for a rise intwodegrees. After a six second delay to allow her time to removeherjacket and shoes her dog bounded up to greet her, it's metalpawsclunking on the polished concrete floor. It scanned her faceandsat down. "You look frustrated, Clarissa. Want to talk aboutit?"She sighed."No thanks Hans, not right now.""Shall I run you a lavender bath and fetch your drink?""Yes, that would be lovely, good dog." Hans wagged his tailandtransmitted a message to the bathroom's network. The bath begantofill at her preferred temperature with lavender and bubblebathadded. The underfloor heating ticked on, the towel began towarm onit's rail and the ceiling fan whirred silently above. Thelightdimmed and Hans brought the creamed whisky.
Ocean Dream Eden Live WP 1.0
Happy Friday
For everyday stress Aquarium is morethanenough to relax. Chill out while watching your Parrot Chichlidfishswimming in its tank, feed it, play with it, interact with itor...do nothing - just listen to your own relaxing music and theairbubbles climbing up slowly to the water surface and letAquariumsoothe you and calm you down. As time passes by you willfind newdecorative items in your inventory so you can arrange yourrelaxingspace whatever way you like. Just don't forget that yourfish is aliving creature and it depends entirely on you what kindofpersonality it will develop! iQuarium provides a sensationofrelaxation and calm but still delivers tons of entertainmentandfun!An aquarium (plural: aquariums or aquaria) is a vivarium ofanysize having at least one transparent side in whichwater-dwellingplants or animals are kept and displayed. Fishkeepersuse aquariato keep fish, invertebrates, amphibians, aquaticreptiles such asturtles, and aquatic plants. The term, coined byEnglish naturalistPhilip Henry Gosse, combines the Latin root aqua,meaning water,with the suffix -arium, meaning "a place for relatingto".Theaquarium principle was fully developed in 1850 by thechemistRobert Warington, who explained that plants added to waterin acontainer would give off enough oxygen to support animals, solongas their numbers do not grow too large.Dynamic aquarium wall. HD aquarium, Underwater World, 3DAquariumpictures, make a rotating cube, let it be beautiful livewallpaper!Can always switch to a different picture, supporting avariety ofeffects! By phone look beautiful aquarium in the world!Not the samedynamic wallpaper, perfect, new dynamicexperience!- Aquarium Live Wallpaper with REAL FISH Live Wallpaper- Colorful fish and beautiful background make your screenlivelymore than you can think!- Have many Backgrounds which you can choice- Aquarium Live Wallpaper save Pin and support many device- We have beautiful fishes, lively background and smoothingeffect.All in Aquarium Live Wallpaper!Beautify your mobile with free aquarium live wallpaper.Aquarium Live wallpaper is specially created with highqualityaquarium background images, realistic fish animations,floatingbubbles and much more.Moving fishes and floating bubbles looks like Real Aquarium.If Fish Touch Enable Then When You Touch the fish it swim fastthennormally .Fish Turn Left or Right Randomaly.Various Type of Bubble comming from bottomThis Free wallpaper has Various Premium features like:1.Set the Fish swimming animation speed2.Set size of fishes.3.Set the type of aquarium backgrounds like ocean, sea andaquaplants backgrounds.4.Control the Fish Touch FacilityHow To use:Long Press on Home Screen: -> Select Wallpapers -> SelectLiveWallpapers -> Select "Free Live Wallpaper" from the list->Set as Wallpaper.
Sim Aquarium Live Wallpaper 1.0
Happy Friday
For everyday stress Aquarium is morethanenough to relax. Chill out while watching your Parrot Chichlidfishswimming in its tank, feed it, play with it, interact with itor...do nothing - just listen to your own relaxing music and theairbubbles climbing up slowly to the water surface and letAquariumsoothe you and calm you down. As time passes by you willfind newdecorative items in your inventory so you can arrange yourrelaxingspace whatever way you like. Just don't forget that yourfish is aliving creature and it depends entirely on you what kindofpersonality it will develop! iQuarium provides a sensationofrelaxation and calm but still delivers tons of entertainmentandfun!An aquarium (plural: aquariums or aquaria) is a vivarium ofanysize having at least one transparent side in whichwater-dwellingplants or animals are kept and displayed. Fishkeepersuse aquariato keep fish, invertebrates, amphibians, aquaticreptiles such asturtles, and aquatic plants. The term, coined byEnglish naturalistPhilip Henry Gosse, combines the Latin root aqua,meaning water,with the suffix -arium, meaning "a place for relatingto".Theaquarium principle was fully developed in 1850 by thechemistRobert Warington, who explained that plants added to waterin acontainer would give off enough oxygen to support animals, solongas their numbers do not grow too large.Dynamic aquarium wall. HD aquarium, Underwater World, 3DAquariumpictures, make a rotating cube, let it be beautiful livewallpaper!Can always switch to a different picture, supporting avariety ofeffects! By phone look beautiful aquarium in the world!Not the samedynamic wallpaper, perfect, new dynamicexperience!- Aquarium Live Wallpaper with REAL FISH Live Wallpaper- Colorful fish and beautiful background make your screenlivelymore than you can think!- Have many Backgrounds which you can choice- Aquarium Live Wallpaper save Pin and support many device- We have beautiful fishes, lively background and smoothingeffect.All in Aquarium Live Wallpaper!Beautify your mobile with free aquarium live wallpaper.Aquarium Live wallpaper is specially created with highqualityaquarium background images, realistic fish animations,floatingbubbles and much more.Moving fishes and floating bubbles looks like Real Aquarium.If Fish Touch Enable Then When You Touch the fish it swim fastthennormally .Fish Turn Left or Right Randomaly.Various Type of Bubble comming from bottomThis Free wallpaper has Various Premium features like:1.Set the Fish swimming animation speed2.Set size of fishes.3.Set the type of aquarium backgrounds like ocean, sea andaquaplants backgrounds.4.Control the Fish Touch FacilityHow To use:Long Press on Home Screen: -> Select Wallpapers -> SelectLiveWallpapers -> Select "Free Live Wallpaper" from the list->Set as Wallpaper.
Dove Rapper Yo Live Wallpaper 1.0
Happy Friday
Rapping (or emceeing, MCing, spitting bars,orrhyming) is "spoken or chanted rhyming lyrics". The componentsofrapping include "content", "flow" (rhythm and rhyme),and"delivery". Rapping is distinct from spoken-word poetry in thatitis performed in time to a beat. Rapping is often associatedwithand a primary ingredient of hip-hop music, but the origins ofthephenomenon can be said to predate hip-hop culture by centuries.Itcan also be found in alternative rock such as that ofCake,gorrilaz and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Rapping is also usedinKwaito music, a genre that originated in Johannesburg,SouthAfrica, and is composed of hip-hop elements.Rapping can be delivered over a beat or withoutaccompaniment.Stylistically, rap occupies a gray area betweenspeech, prose,poetry, and singing. The word (meaning originally "tohit") as usedto describe quick speech or repartee predates themusical form. Theword had been used in British English since the16th century. Itwas part of the African-American dialect of Englishin the 1960smeaning "to converse", and very soon after that in itspresentusage as a term denoting the musical style. Today, the terms"rap"and "rapping" are so closely associated with hip-hop musicthatmany use the terms interchangeably.
Dancing Monkey HD Live Wall 6.0
Happy Friday
This you have not seen! Crazy dance ofwildmonkeys. Your smile burst on faces. You'll long to laugh untilyouhurt your stomach starts)) This gorilla dance better than you!Ithas something to learn. Unforgettable experience positiveemotionsand good mood for the day you are guaranteed!Show it to your kids and they will laugh until lshusnestomach.Show it to your friends, Treat them. Laugh their parents.Most livewallpapers on the market. Free from today and for all, forall.The original King Kong jungle king of beasts. Crazyanimals!)Even a monkey was in space!Gorilla named Ambam, living in one of the zoo EnglishcountyKent, became famous on the Internet - 220-kilogram animal isableto walk on two legs like a human.Gorilla - the biggest monkey on earth, relative orangutan.Anadult male weighs 270 kg and has a height of up to 2 meters.But,in spite of its enormous size and fearsome appearance, gorillasaregood-natured disposition. These animals live only in thetropicalforests of Central Africa and feed primarily on plantfoods.Gorilla produce food mainly on the ground, as the large sizedoesnot allow them to walk on the branches of trees, as dosmallmonkeys. Because of the low calorie plant foods, gorillas havetospend most of the time consumption of the same food. Jaws strongingorillas, because the course is all - bark, wood, roots andstemsof plants.Gorillas - the largest representatives of primateGorillas live on land, they are herbivores and inhabittheforests of central AfricaDNA of gorillas is very similar to human DNA - by 95-99%They - the next closest relative of the man after thetwochimpanzee species; all hominids descended from a commonancestorabout 7000000 years agoNow living in the nature of a western lowland gorillas100,000and a 4000 - in zoosEastern lowland gorillas in the wild around 4000 and in zoos-total 24Gorillas can get up and walk on their hind legs, but usuallymoveon all fours. This gorillas, as well as the chimps, walkingnot relyon palm and fingertips front paws, as do all otheranimals, and onthe back of the bent fingers. This method allowsyou to keep walkingon the inside of the hand rather thin sensitiveskinGorillas have tremendous powerAdult females are often half less - about 1.4 meters tallandweighing 100 kg.....Home ➤Menu ➤ Wallpaper➤ Wall Live Wallpaper- Share wallpapers with friends has never been easier;- Many settings;- Best quality "Full HD 1080p";- Various 3D-effect;- User-friendly interface (UI),- Supports phones and tablets;- Works on 90% of the existing devices;- Decorates your phone.Our wallpapers are unique in its kind, we are in the top 10ofthe best developers of live wallpapers for android. Only themostinteresting themes and wallpapers. Steep We love you. Allourprograms are free. Contact us!If you like what we do, please support us. Rate our wallpaper. Putapositive assessment of "5 stars". This add inspiration to us, andwewill continue to delight you.If you have questions or suggestions, please contact us byemail.We will be pleased. Thank you!
Turbo Engine 3D 1.0
Happy Friday
Combustion ChamberThe combustion chamber in an engine is where the magichappens.It’s where fuel, air, pressure, and electricity cometogether tocreate the small explosion that moves the car’s pistonsup anddown, thus creating the power to move the vehicle. Thecombustionchamber is made up of the cylinder, piston, and cylinderhead. Thecylinder acts as the wall of the combustion chamber, thetop of thepiston acts as the floor of the combustion chamber, andthecylinder head serves as the ceiling of the combustionchamber.Cylinder HeadThe cylinder head is a piece of metal that sits over theengine’scylinders. There are small, rounded indentations cast intothecylinder head in order to create room at the top of the chamberforcombustion. A head gasket seals the joint between the cylinderheadand cylinder block. Intake and outtake valves, spark plugs,and fuelinjectors (these parts are explained later) are alsomounted to thecylinder head.PistonPistons move up and down the cylinder. They look like upsidedownsoup cans. When fuel ignites in the combustion chamber, theforcepushes the piston downward, which in turn moves thecrankshaft (seebelow). The piston attaches to the crankshaft via aconnecting rod,aka the con rod. It connects to the connecting rodvia a piston pin,and the connecting rod connects to the crankshaftvia a connectingrod bearing.On the top of the piston, you’ll find three or four groovescastinto the metal. Inside the grooves piston rings are put in.Thepiston rings are the part that actually touch the walls ofthecylinder. They are made from iron and come in twovarieties:compression rings and oil rings. The compression ringsare the toprings and they press outward on the walls of thecylinder toprovide a strong seal for the combustion chamber. Theoil ring isthe bottom ring on a piston and it prevents oil from thecrankcasefrom seeping into the combustion chamber. It also wipesexcess oildown the cylinder walls and back into the crankcase.CrankshaftThe crankshaft is what converts the up and down motion ofthepistons into a rotational motion that allows the car to move.Thecrankshaft typically fits lengthwise in the engine block nearthebottom. It extends from one end of the engine block to theother.At the front of the end of the engine, the crankshaftconnects torubber belts which connect to the camshaft and deliverspower toother parts of the car; at the back end of the engine, thecamshaftconnects to the drive train, which transfers power to thewheels.At each end of the crankshaft, you’ll find oil seals, or“O-rings,”which prevent oil from leaking out of the engine.The crankshaft resides in what’s called the crankcase onanengine. The crankcase is located beneath the cylinder block.Thecrankcase protects the crankshaft and connecting rods fromoutsideobjects. The area at the bottom of a crankcase is called theoilpan and that’s where your engine’s oil is stored. Inside theoilpan, you’ll find an oil pump that pumps oil through a filter,andthen that oil is squirted on to the crankshaft, connectingrodbearings, and cylinder walls to provide lubrication to themovementof the piston stroke. The oil eventually drips back downinto theoil pan, only to begin the process againAlong the crankshaft you’ll find balancing lobes that actascounterweights to balance the crankshaft and prevent enginedamagefrom the wobbling that occurs when the crankshaft spins.Also along the crankshaft you’ll find the main bearings. Themainbearings provide a smooth surface between the crankshaft andengineblock for the crankshaft to spin.
Angry Monkey 3D Live Wallpaper 3.0
Happy Friday
Angry Monkey 3D Live WallpaperGet out. I want to sleep. Evil Monkey!3D Monkey very angry, do not wake her. She would beat my headandmaking faces at the screen. Do not wake her evil monkey willshoutand quarrel. Let her sleep, otherwise you will feel all herwrathfor yourself! Very fun to play with her. Funny monkey willgive youa good mood. - The average life expectancy of apes varies dependingontheir size - the smallest - ihrunok - less than 10 years, butinorangutans is 57-60 years.- Most of his free time (one-fifth of the day) monkeyspaidappearance care of each other.- To notify relatives about the impending danger orangutansgivevery loud belching.- Gorillas love to sleep in nests, especially females.Theyarrange themselves on the ground with a soft couch of leavesandbranches of trees that are intertwined with each other.-On monkeys prevailing misconception that their favorite treat-a banana, but some monkeys never even tried them. The diet inmanyprimates very diverse and consists not only in plant foods,butsometimes animal.- Always settle monkey groups, they are also easier toproducetheir own food.- Some species of monkeys have developed tail so that onlyitstip they can withstand its own weight.- The monkeys are very similar to man, but scientists havefoundthat to teach a monkey can not speak, because in her mindjustsimply no language center. They succeeded only to a monkeycouldplay some simple sounds.-in Thailand annually arrange a feast for the monkeys. Inthetemple invited about 2,000 animals and showered them lots offruitsand vegetables, which taste like primates. Monkeys inThailand sofond of, because there is a legend that they once helpedto copewith the onslaught of enemies.- Very remarkable fact that monkeys never zastudzhuyutsya.- The appearance of monkeys easily determine his mood, smileortension of the upper lip is a sign of aggression, as well asthewrench head and shoulder movement.- Bald male primates in the same way as men isgeneticallyinherent in them.- Primacy of the smallest on the ground is considered to beadwarf ihrunku. Its size ranges from 11-15 centimeters,excludingthe tail, which can reach 22 centimeters in length.- Monkeys are among the few animals that can recognizethemselvesin a mirror.- Was recorded case where the monkey passed a test of IQ withtheresult that the level of normal adult American......Home ➤Menu ➤ Wallpaper➤ Wall Live Wallpaper- Share wallpapers with friends has never been easier;- Many settings;- Best quality "Full HD 1080p";- Various 3D-effect;- User-friendly interface (UI),- Supports phones and tablets;- Works on 90% of the existing devices;- Decorates your phone.Our wallpapers are unique in its kind, we are in the top 10ofthe best developers of live wallpapers for android. Only themostinteresting themes and wallpapers. Steep We love you. Allourprograms are free. Contact us!If you like what we do, please support us. Rate our wallpaper. Putapositive assessment of "5 stars". This add inspiration to us, andwewill continue to delight you.If you have questions or suggestions, please contact us byemail.We will be pleased. Thank you!
New Transformer Helicopter LWP 1.0
Happy Friday
1. Elektro, the world’s first humanoidrobot,debuted in 1939. Built by Westinghouse, the seven-foot-tallwalkingmachine “spoke” more than 700 words. Elektro later appearedin the1960 B movie Sex Kittens Go to College.2. The first known case of robot homicide occurred in 1981,whena robotic arm crushed a Japanese Kawasaki factory worker.3. Leonardo da Vinci drew up plans for an armoredhumanoidmachine in 1495. Engineer Mark Rosheim has created afunctionalminiature version for NASA to help colonize Mars4. Archytas of Tarentum, a pal of Plato’s, built amechanicalbird driven by a jet of steam or compressed air—arguablyhistory’sfirst robot—in the fifth century B.C.5. There are currently 4,000 robots serving in the USMilitary,including reconnaissance Talon bots that scout forroadside bombsin Iraq and PackBots that unsuccessfully poked aroundfor Osama binLaden’s hideout in Afghanistan.6. Chris Melhuish of the Bristol Robotics Laboratorycreatedrobots that use bacteria-filled fuel cells to produceelectricityfrom rotten apples and dead flies. The goal: robots thatforage fortheir own food- essentially they wouldn’t need humanstosurvive.7. Mini Me: Australian researchers are trying to build amicrorobot that would mimic the swim stroke used by E. colibacteria. Itwould be injected into a patient so it could take abiopsy from theinside.8. Cybernetics professor Kevin Warwick calls himself theworld’sfirst cyborg, with computer chips implanted in his left arm.He canremotely operate doors, an artificial hand, and anelectronicwheelchair.9. Winebot, built by Japan’s NEC System Technologies andMieUniversity, can ID scads of different wines, cheeses, andhorsd’oeuvres . . . up to a point. It recently mistook areporter’shand for prosciutto. (In Winebot’s defense, that guy wasapig.)10. Robotics expert Henrik Christensen predicts humans willbehaving sex with robots within four years. If you’rethinking,“Finally, no strings attached…” keep in mind that HansMoravec,founder of Carnegie Mellon’s Robotics Institute, predictsthatrobots will emerge as their own species by 2040, with feelingsandexpectations. In other words, if you don’t call your robotflingthe next morning, you’ll be disassembled.
Jet Flight Live Wallpaper 1.0
Happy Friday
Live 3D wallpaper of combat fighter jetwhichis in turn.Fighter armed with missiles performs aerobatics and disappearsinthe sky.Download amazing 3D wallpaper for real men.The original 3D video and other live wallpapers for yourAndroidphone for free !!!We are looking for interesting ideas to create new wallpaperthatwill capture its beauty, special atmosphere in your life.This amazing android live wallpaper app will be your sourceofinspiration for every day. Fly of fast and powerful fighter jettheengines of which comes flame.Beautiful aircraft wallpaper for everyone. Download 3Dlivewallpaper of fighter jet to your phone.The original 3D video and other live wallpapers for yourAndroidphone for free !!!We are looking for interesting ideas to create new wallpaperthatwill capture its beauty, special atmosphere in your life.This amazing android live wallpaper app will be your sourceofinspiration for every day.Decorate your smartphone screen saver best videos inhighquality.The application will not drain the battery when you stop usingthephone.Features:Appendix free wallpapers in HD-qualityOptimized battery useInstalled on a storage card memory saving phoneWill adjust the speed of video wallpaperCompatible with many android smartphonesWe will try to surprise you more!
Ocean 3D Dolphin Live Wall 1.0
Happy Friday
If you enjoy magnificent views oftheunderwater world, the Dolphin 3D live wallpaper is theperfectchoice for you! These beautiful clean see creatures swimminginblue will make the most wonderful background wallpaper. This isthebest ocean addition inspiration for all lovers of the sea thatwillinspire you and lift you every time you look at the screen ofyoursmartphone! Get this cool free application for Android ™ nowandenjoy the best of the incredibly rich marine world.Thismagnificent Dolphin application is available for free downloadsocheck it out now!There is no doubt that dolphins are one of the mostfascinatingaquatic animals. They are easy to learn and you probablyalreadyknow that they are reasonable. However, there are manyinterestingfacts about dolphins, which you may not know. Everythingchangeswhen you finish reading this article!• There are 32 species of marine dolphins and four typesofriver.• Dolphin only mammal that comes forward tail.• Females dolphins assist other males with heavy labor.Theremaining dolphins will swim around to protect mothers.• Sharks are afraid of dolphins, as they are able tokillthem.• Dolphins do not smell.• Some dolphins can hold their breath for 30 minutes.• Young dolphins remain with the mother for 2 or 3 years.• Although most wild animals avoid contact with people wholovewild dolphins play and chat with the person,especiallychildren.• dolphin eyes produce tears, which protect the eyesfrominfections and foreign objects. Sea dolphins well see as underandabove water.• As with cows, dolphins are two of the stomach. Firsttopreserve food and one for digestion.• Dolphin can easily dive to 300 meters.• The dorsal fin of each dolphin is unique, soscientistsdistinguish them from each other.• Dolphins usually can not live alone. They have a complexsocialstructure and they have a wide range of emotions,includinghumor.• Dolphins can swim at a speed of 30 km per hour for a longtime.It is about 3 times faster than the fastest men in theworld.Loading ...• The killing of dolphins in ancient Greece wasconsideredblasphemous and punishable by death.• Average life of dolphins is 17 years. Nevertheless, someofwhich were observed in nature lived about 50 years.• The dolphins no smell, but they have a sense of taste,likepeople, can distinguish sweet, sour, bitter and saltyflavors.• Most dolphin species live in salt water, but some of them canlivein fresh water.• In the mouth of dolphins about 100 teeth. They use theirteethto capture their prey but not chewing it. All the food isswallowedwhole.• An adult dolphin eats about 33 kg. fish a day, byhumanstandards is 15-22 kg. of meat per day, but dolphins do notgainweight.• dolphin "Sonar" or sounder is rare in nature and farsuperiorbat sonar. Sounder allows it to literally hear thedistance, shape,density and subject movement.• No one knows exactly why dolphins are thrown ashore. Totheirway dolphins may use the earth's magnetic field, somescientistsbelieve that these places have anomalous magneticfield......Home ➤Menu ➤ Wallpaper➤ Wall Live Wallpaper- Share wallpapers with friends has never been easier;- Many settings;- Best quality "Full HD 1080p";- Various 3D-effect;- User-friendly interface (UI),- Supports phones and tablets;- Works on 90% of the existing devices;- Decorates your phone.Our wallpapers are unique in its kind, we are in the top 10ofthe best developers of live wallpapers for android. Only themostinteresting themes and wallpapers. Steep We love you. Allourprograms are free. Contact us!If you like what we do, please support us. Rate our wallpaper. Putapositive assessment of "5 stars". This add inspiration to us, andwewill continue to delight you.If you have questions or suggestions, please contact us byemail.We will be pleased. Thank you!
Zombie Hand Live Wallpaper 7.0
Happy Friday
Install this live wallpaper on your phone.Andstart judgment day, apokolipsys. The dead rise from theirgravesand zombies take over all planutu. Join away with terriblemonstersand vampires. Spirit Halloween fly in the air. Set thisterriblezombie hand, it will scare you day and night. Your friendswill bedelighted. Decorate your phone.At night when the full moon in the sky, strange things canhappen... vampires, werewolves, Prince of Darkness, zombies - alltheseterrible creatures appeared grim when it comes to night!Zombies - is alive, but not dead people, who are often metinHaiti? Are zombies - dead body without a reason and without asoul?Whether they are in the power of voodoo sorcerers whoconqueredthem himself, seizing their soul? Relatives Zombie Ghoulis fastand deadly vampires. These wallpapers will be awonderfuldecoration for your phone and Halloween. Make your friendsCompanydemons, devils, hell monsters, cyclops and chimeras.Eyelashes,krovopyytsya, chimera.Haitians believe in zombies, believe and fear. Do theyreallyexist? For evidence of this is driven by many examples andpracticevoodoo indicates that Walking Dead - servants of thedevilmagicians. And even if creatures like zombies found, whetherit iswalking dead? Can anyone give a logical explanation fortheirstrange condition of the body?But why Haitians are so afraid of zombies? And what willhappento those who try to release their dead loved ones? Aretherezombies? To answer these questions, it is necessary to turn tothepast for Haiti and mainly to the beliefs and religious practicesofvoodoo.There are actually three different types of zombies. They,likepeople in some way, and they are missing is crucial.Hollywoodzombies found in zombie B-movie. Their distinguishingfeature isthat they are dead but reanimated. Haitian voodoo zombiesare atradition in Haiti. Their distinguishing feature, it seemsthatthey do not have free will, and perhaps lacks soul.Philosophicalzombies found in articles on philosophicalconsciousness. Theircharacteristics that determine that they haveno consciousexperience, but their behavior is identical to normalpeople.Zombies are one of the most popular creatures.Voodoo - a unique combination of beliefs Africans,NativeAmerican, and European occultism. But the deepest roots - inAfricaand coincides with the emergence of voodoo in Haiti arrivalof alarge batch of African slaves. This terrible period in humanlifebegan when Haiti had the Spaniards in the XVI centuryandexperienced a flowering XVII, when the island of Haiti movedtoFrance. Even today, despite the disapproval of the church, manywhoprofess both Catholicism and voodoo......Home ➤Menu ➤ Wallpaper➤ Wall Live Wallpaper- Share wallpapers with friends has never been easier;- Many settings;- Best quality "Full HD 1080p";- Various 3D-effect;- User-friendly interface (UI),- Supports phones and tablets;- Works on 90% of the existing devices;- Decorates your phone.Our wallpapers are unique in its kind, we are in the top 10ofthe best developers of live wallpapers for android. Only themostinteresting themes and wallpapers. Steep We love you. Allourprograms are free. Contact us!If you like what we do, please support us. Rate our wallpaper. Putapositive assessment of "5 stars". This add inspiration to us, andwewill continue to delight you.If you have questions or suggestions, please contact us byemail.We will be pleased. Thank you!
Dogs Lick Screen Live Wallpap 1.0
Happy Friday
BEST ON PHONE AND TABLET!!++ FULL VERSION!! ++BONUS: nice widget!Dog Licks Screen LWP Free, is a incredible and funnyLiveWallpaper. Displays an adorable puppy dog, licking the screenofyour smartphone.Thanks you very much for downloading and installing Dog lickLiveWallpaper.It's a free HD live wallpaper which you'll enjoy usingduringValentines days!You'll really love it!This app will show you different pictures for each screen asLiveWallpaper.To Use, please, follow the steps below:[Home] > [Menu] > [Wallpaper] > [Live Wallpaper]or create and open shortcut to "Live Wallpaper Setting"Be default it will show you pre-loaded great valentinesHDwallpaper.But you can always set your own pictures folder!Dogs will lick the screen clean for you, as you shakethedevice!Also, please, see some other features available:* Show pictures from gallery* Show pictures from folder* Change picture by double tap* Change picture by time interval* Transition effect❥ Live Wallpaper❥ Daydream❥ Homescreen Widget❥ Lockscreen Widget❥ Standard app playerFeatures:✔ Exceptional image quality. Uses advanced nativeimagefiltering.✔ OpenGL for minimized CPU and battery usage. Enjoywithoutlimits.✔ Beautiful Live Wallpaper, Widget, Daydream. Enjoy thescenethroughout your home screen.✔ Sideline use: Play gif movies. Full-fledged gif playerinside.
Planetary Collision Live Wall 1.0
Happy Friday
I am looking for information on thepossibility of planetary collisions in our galaxy. I had thisstrange dream that a large planet was about to collide with Venus.Is that possible, and are there any planets in our system that areon a path that could collide in the near future?Planetary collisions are pretty rare, especially in developedsystems like ours. Our solar system is reasonably stable -- notperfectly so, but all of the planets are not likely to hit anotherlarge object in the near future. About the worst thing that couldhappen would be that an asteroid could hit. I don't say thatlightly, since an asteroid or comet impact can produce global leveleffects, but even a mass extinction would be nothing compared towhat Mercury could do to us. But, since most asteroids that arelikely to hit a planet are all far too tiny to be called a planetin any sense of the word, I wouldn't count those.Generally, this seems to be the norm in developed systems. Ofthe extrasolar planet systems we know about, they don't seem fullof planets that are prone to collisions. In fact, you see all kindof complicated motions that keep planets from colliding with oneanother.Any collisions between planets happened early in the SolarSystem, and they most certainly did. Our Moon was made by somethingMars-sized smacking into the Earth very early on (over 4 billionyears ago), and Mars has a giant, very old (about the same age, butages are pretty uncertain once we get away from the Earth and Moon)crater that makes the northern part of the planet quite a bit lowerthan the southern part. So, when the inner solar system wasforming, all four of the inner planets were probably getting hit alot by comparable-sized objects (and smaller stuff as well).Thankfully, most of that stuff either collided with something orwas eventually knocked out of the area by Jupiter, so it won'tcollide with a planet any more.
Skyscraper Manhattan 1.0
Happy Friday
New York is the world's ultimateskyscrapercity. Already at the end of the 19th century, the limitedspace onManhattan caused developers to build ever taller towers.During thecourse of the 20th century, no less than 8 differentskyscrapers inNew York held the title of the world's tallestbuilding. Such along domination resulted in large number of trulyhistoricalbuildings, with a great variety in architectural styles.Below you find a small selection of the city's mostinterestingskyscrapers; for a more exhaustive list, have a look atthe NewYork City Buildings page.40 Wall Street40 Wall Street Fact SheetBuilt in 1929 as the headquarters of the Bank of Manhattan, thiswasintended to be the world's tallest building. The ChryslerBuildinghowever, which was being built at around the same time,eventuallybecame taller than originally announced, taking thetitle of world'stallest instead.70 Pine Street70 Pine Street Fact SheetLower Manhattan's tallest building - an elegant 67 story artdecostructure - was completed just before the Great Depression, attheheight of New York's skyscraper- building frenzy.American Radiator BuildingAmerican Radiator Building Fact SheetThis conspicuous black building with a gilded crown is oneofRaymond Hood's New York masterpieces. The 22 storybuilding,located at Bryant Park, was built in 1924 as an officetower forthe American Radiator Company. In 2001 it reopened as theBryantPark Hotel.Chanin BuildingChanin Building Fact SheetThe construction of the Grand Central Terminal created a boostofeconomic activity in the area, fertile ground for tallskyscrapers.The first of several iconic skyscrapers built aroundthe stationwas the 1929 Chanin Building, named after its developerIrwin S.Chanin.Chrysler BuildingChrysler Building Fact SheetThe Chrysler Building's elegant spire - modeled after aradiatorgrille - not only made the building taller than itscompetitor (theBank of Manhattan Building) in the race for theworld's tallestbuilding, but it also made the Chrysler Building NewYork's mostbeloved skyscraper.Citigroup CenterCitigroup Center Fact Sheet
Snake Attack Live Wallpaper 2.0
Happy Friday
Check out our range of fun snake factsforkids. Learn about snake skin, snake charming, snake anatomyandmuch more.Read on and enjoy a variety of interesting informationaboutsnakes.Snakes are carnivores (meat eaters).Snakes don’t have eyelids.Snakes can’t bite food so have to swallow it whole.Snakes have flexible jaws which allow them to eat preybiggerthan their head!Snakes are found on every continent of the worldexceptAntarctica.Snakes have internal ears but not external ones.Snakes used in snake charming performances respond tomovement,not sound.There are around 3000 different species of snake.Snakes have a unique anatomy which allows them to swallowanddigest large prey.Snakes are covered in scales.Snakeskin is smooth and dry.Snakes shed their skin a number of times a year in a processthatusually lasts a few days.Some species of snake, such as cobras and black mambas, usevenomto hunt and kill their prey. Read more venomous snakefacts.Snakes smell with their tongue.Pythons kill their prey by tightly wrapping around itandsuffocating it in a process called constriction.Some sea snakes can breathe partially through theirskin,allowing for longer dives underwater.Anacondas are large, non-venomous snakes found in SouthAmericathat can reach over 5 m (16 ft) in length.Python reticulates can grow over 8.7 m (28 ft) in length andareconsidered the longest snakes in the world.
Dogs Shaking III Live 1.0
Happy Friday
A selection of fun in its owninterestingmoments with the way the water shaking dog - funnyangles andunusual shots that we can not see with their naked eye,look slowmotion. Spectacle unforgettable for all dog lovers.For dog owners usually see several times a day as theirpetshaking vigorously. On all sides are flying drool and dogmuzzledistorted beyond recognition ...Naturally, when the dog shaking from water orsnowadhering.But the dog manages to shaking not only when wet, but in theothercases. For example, being in a warm room after being outsideincold weather.For example, a dog may shaking unexpectedly receivedsomeinformation which foretells her something nice, forexample,information about the upcoming walk, or requires someaction.The dog can also shaking arose from his bed after sleep.The dog can not scratch herself, but she sometimes uses Shakingwoolto remove foreign bodies, which did not get his paw.Coupled with other movements and loud sounds Shaking can serve asasignal to other dogs that expected something nice forthemboth.For these images, use the latest technologies to implementSlowshooting.Interesting Facts:- Dogs - the only animals that can recognize our emotions.Theyglance is enough to see you rejoice or grieve. They canevenempathize with people experiencing the same emotions thattheirowners.- It turns out that dogs sweat too. But unlike people whosweatexcreted through the skin across the surface of the body, hecomesacross dogs paws. You can verify this by posposterihavshy dog​​ona hot summer day. A characteristic feature is saltysmell.- Prints Dog noses are unique because they are used fortheidentification of animals, as well as fingerprints are usedtoidentify the person. Forensic often use this fact intheinvestigation of crimes involving animals and theirowners.- Greyhounds - is not only the fastest dogs, able to accelerateto72 km / h, it is also the only breed of dog that is mentionedinthe Bible (Proverbs of Solomon 30:31, King James version).- Actually Pit Bull breed there. Pit Bull - a collective namesuchspecies as American Pit Bull Terrier, AmericanStaffordshireTerrier, Bull Terrier, American dog, the JapaneseTosa, Dogue deBordeaux, Bulldog.- Considered the oldest Saluki breed dogs. In ancient Egypttheybelonged to families of rulers. These dogs are very respectedandeven their mummified after death together with pharaohs.- As we have already noted Greyhounds - the fastest among dogs,butthe Huskies - the hardiest. Sledding with Huskies can travelmorethan 60 km per day, moving at a speed over 17 km / h.- Considered the most intelligent dogs Border Collie - normalpoodleand German shepherd. Afghan Hound Basenji and, conversely,is themost stupid dogs.- Poodle homeland is Germany. The word "poodle" is derived fromtheGerman «pudel» or «pudelhund», which means "dog whoplyuskayetsya."The world famous grooming poodles that hunterssheared these dogs,that they were comfortable swim, leaving only alittle wool to keepwarm.- Laika became the first living creature that visited Earthorbit.Her flight on Sputnik 2 was held in 1957. Although she diedduringthe flight, her daughter, Slaked birth to 4 puppies ofterrierCharlie, the owner of which was US President John F.Kennedy.- English Mastiff Zorba, born in 1981, was the greatest dogever.His weight was more than 155 kg, and length from nose to tail-251.5 cm.
Military Helicopters Live Wall 1.0
Happy Friday
This application is the best choice, ifyoulike the helicopter!This app contains over 140 of the best wallpaperswithhelicopters and includes the following models - HelicopterArmy, MI24, Mi 26, Mi28. If you're a fan of aircraft andhelicopters, thenthis app is specially created for you. Wallpaperhigh resolutioncan be set on the way most devices. For theapplication does notrequire Internet access.Huey Helicopters Wallpapers (Military related wallpapers) to setasyour background wallpaper picture. This Military themedHueyHelicopters wallpapers app has a huge number of HueyHelicoptersimages to browse through and set as your wallpaper. Agreat app foranyone interested in Huey Helicopters and especiallyfans of themilitary, Army, airforce and Navy! Perfect for worldtravelers oranyone wanting to travels to and visit HueyHelicoptersThis the best and most beautiful and stunning HueyHelicopterswallpaper аваілаблеCobra Helicopter Wallpapers (Military related wallpapers) to setasyour background wallpaper picture. This Military themedCobraHelicopter wallpapers app has a huge number of CobraHelicopterimages to browse through and set as your wallpaper. Agreat app foranyone interested in Cobra Helicopter and especiallyfans of themilitary, Army, airforce and Navy! Perfect for worldtravelers oranyone wanting to travels to and visit CobraHelicopterThis the best and most beautiful and stunning CobraHelicopterwallpaper availableBe sure to check out our numerous other military themedwallpaperapps and explore the world from your phone!Features "Helicopter Wallpapers HD" app:- Lots of perfect Wallpapers in HD quality! Free!- Application works offline. No need to download wallpapers.- Collection Helicopter HD Photo is easy to view and easy to setaswallpaper.- Every photo wallpaper stunning!- Easy to save every wallpaper to the card SD.- You can browse photos in icon or full mode.- Supports pan and zoom! You can crop photo and choose mostlikedpart of wallpaper. Cropping work very simple.- Supports screen rotation.- Supports all screen resolutions and devices(includingtablets).- Optimized for all devices.- You can share Helicopter pictures via Twitter, email,facebook,twitter, MMS and other ways. Share best Wallpapers in HDwith yourfriends!- Free and always will be.- Easy to use, easy to download.Just install this beautiful "Helicopter Wallpapers HD" apponyour Android mobile device. And enjoy!I hope you like my app, and I want to keep it free foryou.-Supports pan and zoom! You can crop photo and choose mostlikedpart of wallpaper. Cropping work very simple.- Supports screen rotation.- Supports all screen resolutions and devices(includingtablets).- Optimized for all devices.- You can share Helicopter pictures via Twitter, email,facebook,twitter, MMS and other ways. Share best Wallpapers in HDwith yourfriends!- Free and always will be.- Easy to use, easy to download.Just install this beautiful "Helicopter Wallpapers HD" apponyour Android mobile device. And enjoy!I hope you like my app, and I want to keep it free for you.
Heavenly Walk Live Wallpaper 1.0
Happy Friday
Group climbers challenged two unsubduedpeaksthat rise on a piece of land in the Himalayas Harvalskyhovertriangular valley that cuts like in Tibet. We offer our readersthestory of this contest, which lasted two years among the pineandsilver birch forests, turbulent flows and harsh rocks, wherethespectators were only Dzhadh-Ganges and clouds.Beauty is sometimes quite insidious. This taught me Himalayas.Theyare good from afar, but when you get there, all seems as if wasinparadise, but paradise this moment can turn into hell. Here thesunshines on the fun azure sky, sparkling snow, beltedbizarreconglomeration of rocks and ice. Suddenly it all seemedfallsthrough the ground. The world is such a clear and distinctmomentago, disappears under a veil of clouds. Barbed icy windpenetratesthe body and turns of fun climbing a dangerousventure.Yet every year I come back here. I like this variability, andthehluhishe place, the more exciting journey.I'll talk about two summer expeditions to the valley of theriverGanges Judge-lying Harvalskyh in the Himalayas. In the firstsummerwe studied the routes chosen for himself two beautiful peaksandconquered the one of them, and the following year returned tofirstconquer another peak - Chirbas (6525 m). Our path ran throughthearea, which Indian cartographers until recently did nothaveaccurate data.A small triangular valley on the northwest edge of UttarPradeshcuts in Tibet and full of stormy rivers, beautiful peaks anddeepgorges. By the close of the Indo-Tibetan trade route bhotiyilivedhere who have the right to freely cross the border inbothdirections. Now the valley can be found only soldiers andshepherdsare in short summer rise from Harsu, near theGangotri.The map of India this valley barely noticeable, but should bethere,as you feel your insignificance before nature. Smallestconcussion -and disappear long ribbons of roads. A sound easilychoke rockfallsaber and gnashing of military exercises. Man leavesno attempts tohold the valley road, but still it manages tomaintain its starkbeauty and scant vegetation. Man is exposed tomany dangers, androckfall is not the worst of them.We start from a lost your way in the coniferous forestshelterpilgrims Bhayronhhati (3079 m). Nearby, in 200 a passingunder thebridge, boiling water Dzhadh-Ganges as perturbed by thefact thatit locked on both sides of cliffs. Resentment continues,and itgradually increases the noise from rumbling restrained theoriginsto
Snow Village 3D Live Wallpaper 2.0
Happy Friday
It's the most wonderful time of the year!Getin the Christmas spirit with these festive and funholidaywallpapers!Ready to meet White Christmas? Got your presents stacked up inyourcloset and everything prepared for the main holiday of theyear?Try this great new winter screensaver to feel Christmassyearlierthan others!Invite christmas spirit to your home screen! The newyearfestival is going to start very soon. Just few dozens of daysareleft till the Christmas. The christmas countdown hasofficiallystarted. Santa's sleigh are in the sky with a lot ofchristmasgifts.Skate into the Christmas with this beautiful winter-themedLiveWallpaper. Featuring several groups of interactive characterswhoare gliding along to the softly falling snow.Take a closer look and you can spot... someone reallyfamiliar.Who is it? Santa Clause in a company of joyful childrenand happyadults. Joyful gnomes with special gifts and funny petsare readyfor Christmas as well. Twinkling christmas lights areeverywhere.Happy holidays are coming!Touch any Christmas character and see what happens! It'sjustlike an interactive Christmas game.You can customize Christmas Rink live wallpaper as youwant.Double tap on screen to open the live wallpaper settings whereyoucan change characters' acceleration, toggle on/off falling snoworanimated garlands on a christmas tree and choose from one of the7christmas themes (4 of this holiday animated wallpapers are freeofcharge) and one of the 6 groups of christmas characters (allaretotally free).Celebrate the joy and warmth of the season with prettyChristmaswallpapers that will warm your heart and bring a smile toyourface. Let this holiday season be full of magic - sharingmomentswith family and friends, decorating the Christmas tree,makinghomemade ornaments, singing carols, putting cookies out forSanta,and more! We may pray for sunshine all year long, but themomentthe holiday season is here, everyone wishes for a whiteChristmas.There’s simply nothing better than sitting by the firewith lovedones, enjoying a mug of hot chocolate and a candy cane,red andgreen wrapped presents under the tree, snowflakes fallinggentlyoutside…If you experience automatic opening of settings, pleaseuncheck"double tap to open settings" in advanced settings.If you agree to subscribe to our news in wallpaper settingswecan occasionally send info about new 7art products. Youcanunsubscribe any time!Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Christmas Toy 3D Live Wallapap 1.0
Happy Friday
Christmas (which means "Feast day ofChrist")is a Christian holiday that honors the birth of Jesus(whomChristians believe is the Son of God), and a cultural holidayfornon-Christians.The day known as Christmas Day is celebrated on the 25th dayofDecember. It is one of the most important days of the yearforChristians, along with Easter when the death and resurrectionofJesus are celebrated. The season of preparing for Christmasiscalled Advent and begins on a Sunday about four weeksbeforeChristmas. The Christmas Season (called Christmastide) endsonJanuary 6 or the Twelfth Day of Christmas, in which Epiphanyisremembered.Christmas is celebrated all over the world, as areligiousholiday or as a time of celebration by Christiansandnon-Christians alike. The traditions are different from countrytocountry, but they nearly always include a feast, giving giftsorcards, and enjoying church or public festivities such assingingChristmas carols and songs. Santa Claus is a tradition inmanycountries of the world.Christmastime, as it is often called, is in the winter oftheNorthern Hemisphere, at a time when there were alreadyancientfestivals. Some of the traditions that are used forChristmas areolder than Christmas, or come from other non-Christiantraditionssuch as Yule. Modern traditions of Christmas often focuson thegiving of gifts. The season for retail stores to sell gifts,food,greeting cards, Christmas trees, and decorations begins thedayabout a month before Christmas Day.Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus. The story of howthishappened is told in part of the Bible known as the Gospels.Thereare four Gospels telling the life of Jesus. The Gospel ofLuketells the most about his birth, and the Gospel of Matthewtellsanother part of the story. The Gospel of John says that Jesuscamefrom God to bring his "Word" or message to all people.The Gospels say that many years before Jesus' birth, prophetshadtold a promise to the Jewish people that God would send themaMessiah, or holy teacher. Christians believe that thepromisedMessiah was Jesus. His mother was a young woman calledMary, whowas engaged, but not yet married to a carpenter calledJoseph.Joseph found out that Mary was pregnant and was upset. Hewaswondering what he should do, when an angel came from God totellhim that the baby was the Holy One. The angel said that hemustname the baby. This was a sign that he would take care of itlikehis own child.At this time, the Middle East was ruled by the Romans. Anordercame that all the people had to travel back to their hometown, toput their names on the taxation lists. Joseph took his newwife toBethlehem. There was nowhere for them to stay, except astablewhere the animals slept. This is where the baby was born.Josephcalled him Jesus, as the angel had said.The baby Jesus had two lots of visitors. On the night hewasborn, angels told some shepherds in the fields that they wouldfinda newborn king lying in an animals' feed bin (or manger).Jesus'other visitors were some wise men who saw a new star in thesky andfollowed it, until they found the house where the family wasnowliving and gave the young child expensive gifts of gold,incenseand a precious herb called myrrh. (The wise men areoftentraditionally called the Three Kings, because there were threeveryexpensive presents but the Bible does not say how many wisementhere were.)All these parts of the Christmas story are rememberedandcelebrated in different ways at Christmas: in pictures,songs,plays, stories and in models that are called "cribs","creches" or"presepe".
Santa Claus Xmas Live WP 2.0
Happy Friday
Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas and a Happy NewYearto all of you with a cool new app, Santa Claus LiveWallpaper!Whenever you tap on the screen, new presents and partyitemsappear! Give yourself a fine celebration with this app! Youwillhave tons of gifts spinning on your desktop, with fivewonderfulbackgrounds of Mr. Claus and holiday spirit! Download nowand makeyour holidays even more magical!Santa Claus Live Wallpaper is bound to entertain you for alongtime. Get now and choose your favorite holiday picture!Don’tforget to tap in order to get more presents! No matterwhetheryou’ve been good or naughty – your gifts will keep appearingaslong as you keep touching your screen. Gift something nice toyourfriends and family and to yourself! Let’s get the party started–whenever you want to, wherever you want to!Christmas is coming. This is the most important holiday forallChristians when they celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ andthemost beautiful for all children, because they receive presentsonthis day. But nowadays Christmas is being celebrated alsoinnon-christian cultures, where the popular Santa Claus andtheChristmas tree and decorations are unavoidable. So, if youloveChristmas, browse this gallery of more than 200spectacularChristmas images and set your favorite one as awallpaper on yourmobile device. Merry Christmas, ho-ho-ho!Christmas Day is a holiday in many, but not all, countries.Manyhomes have Xmas trees and other decorations in the weeksleading toXmas Day. Some workplaces hold Xmas parties prior toDecember 25.Festive activities include exchanging presents, singingChristmassongs, going to parties.he word “Christmas” comes from the old English “Cristes maesse”,orthe mass of Christ. It is probably that the Xmas date ofDecember25 was chosen to offset the Pagan celebrations ofSaturnalia andNatalis Invicti. It may also be that the celebrationof the birthof the “true light of the world” was set at the time oftheDecember solstice because this is when the days in thenorthernhemisphere began to have more hours of sunlight. Xmasholidaycustoms derive from various cultures, including Teutonic,Celtic,Roman, West Asian and Christian.mages of Santa Claus, also known as Father Xmas,Snowmen,Reindeer, and candy canes are seen in cards, posters, signsandother printed or marketing material associated with theXmascelebrations. Images of Baby Jesus, the Christ's Mass star,andother symbols associated with the religious meaning of Xmasarealso seen during Christmas Eve.Cute looking holy Santa Claus came in all the way from NorthPoleto your home screen through a chimney, he brought youexcitinggifts,boxes, presents, toys, and wishes you the a happyjollyChristmas. Snow flakes flown in the skies while Santa gigglinginlaughter for seeing your happy face. Our christmas trees witharadiant star, mistletoe, and dressings are dancing with therhythmof Santa Claus. Keep Santa around for the whole years to cometobless your whole family a great reunion on this day and wishesyouall a Merry Christmas. Don't forget to say thanks to the raindeers(Blitzer, Rudolph, Comet, Cupid, Dancer, Dasher, Donner,Prancer ,Vixan). It's a miracle to have all of the blessing forchristmassince the birth of christ. Let's praise the lord for thegiving usthis festive celebrations.We're absolutely thrilled with the phenomenal response we'vehadsince our first release. Thank you all for the wonderfulcomments!If you've enjoyed the free version, please considershowing yoursupport for our hard work by purchasing this fullversion which hasmany more features to enjoy.
Dogs Shaking Live Wallpaper 7.0
Happy Friday
A selection of fun in its owninterestingmoments with the way the water shaking dog - funnyangles andunusual shots that we can not see with their naked eye,look slowmotion. Spectacle unforgettable for all dog lovers.For dog owners usually see several times a day as theirpetshaking vigorously. On all sides are flying drool and dogmuzzledistorted beyond recognition ...Naturally, when the dog shaking from water orsnowadhering.But the dog manages to shaking not only when wet, but in theothercases. For example, being in a warm room after being outsideincold weather.For example, a dog may shaking unexpectedly receivedsomeinformation which foretells her something nice, forexample,information about the upcoming walk, or requires someaction.The dog can also shaking arose from his bed after sleep.The dog can not scratch herself, but she sometimes uses Shakingwoolto remove foreign bodies, which did not get his paw.Coupled with other movements and loud sounds Shaking can serve asasignal to other dogs that expected something nice forthemboth.For these images, use the latest technologies to implementSlowshooting.Interesting Facts:- Dogs - the only animals that can recognize our emotions.Theyglance is enough to see you rejoice or grieve. They canevenempathize with people experiencing the same emotions thattheirowners.- It turns out that dogs sweat too. But unlike people whosweatexcreted through the skin across the surface of the body, hecomesacross dogs paws. You can verify this by posposterihavshy dog​​ona hot summer day. A characteristic feature is saltysmell.- Prints Dog noses are unique because they are used fortheidentification of animals, as well as fingerprints are usedtoidentify the person. Forensic often use this fact intheinvestigation of crimes involving animals and theirowners.- Greyhounds - is not only the fastest dogs, able to accelerateto72 km / h, it is also the only breed of dog that is mentionedinthe Bible (Proverbs of Solomon 30:31, King James version).- Actually Pit Bull breed there. Pit Bull - a collective namesuchspecies as American Pit Bull Terrier, AmericanStaffordshireTerrier, Bull Terrier, American dog, the JapaneseTosa, Dogue deBordeaux, Bulldog.- Considered the oldest Saluki breed dogs. In ancient Egypttheybelonged to families of rulers. These dogs are very respectedandeven their mummified after death together with pharaohs.- As we have already noted Greyhounds - the fastest among dogs,butthe Huskies - the hardiest. Sledding with Huskies can travelmorethan 60 km per day, moving at a speed over 17 km / h.- Considered the most intelligent dogs Border Collie - normalpoodleand German shepherd. Afghan Hound Basenji and, conversely,is themost stupid dogs.- Poodle homeland is Germany. The word "poodle" is derived fromtheGerman «pudel» or «pudelhund», which means "dog whoplyuskayetsya."The world famous grooming poodles that hunterssheared these dogs,that they were comfortable swim, leaving only alittle wool to keepwarm.- Laika became the first living creature that visited Earthorbit.Her flight on Sputnik 2 was held in 1957. Although she diedduringthe flight, her daughter, Slaked birth to 4 puppies ofterrierCharlie, the owner of which was US President John F.Kennedy.- English Mastiff Zorba, born in 1981, was the greatest dogever.His weight was more than 155 kg, and length from nose to tail-251.5 cm.
Dog Smile Teeth Live Wallpaper 1.0
Happy Friday
Smiling DogWe’ve all been there. That moment when you look at your dogandyou see their face, their tongue sticking out, looking liketheyjust heard a silly joke. You think, “Awwwww my dog’s smiling!”Butare they really smiling the way we humans do? Are their smilesanexpression of happiness like ours is?Over time, your dog’s smiles may actually indicategenuinehappiness or contentment, as in his mind, he’s createdtheassociation between smiling and getting rewarded for it.Now watch this compilation of the cutest doggie smiles ever,andbe comforted by the fact that you may have subconsciouslytrainedyour dog to smile. :)50 Weird Facts About Dogs:50. … while JFK’s terrier, Charlie, father 4 puppies withLaika’sdaughter51. An African wolf dog known as the basenji is the only doginthe world that cannot bark52. There are 703 breeds of purebred dogs53. Dachshunds were originally bred for fighting badgers54. The world’s smartest dogs are thought to be (1) thebordercollie, (2) the poodle, and (3) the golden retriever55. … while the dumbest dog is believed to be theAfghanhound56. A dog’s smell is more than 100,000 times stronger thanthatof a human’s57. … which they need because their eyesight is not as keen asahuman’s.58. Dogs judge objects first by their movement, then bytheirbrightness, and lastly by their shape59. Chocolate contains a substance known as theobromine(similarto caffeine) which can kill dogs or at the very least makethemviolently ill60. George Washington had thirty six dogs – all foxhounds –withone named Sweetlips61. All dogs are identical in anatomy – 321 bones and42permanent teeth62. Smaller breeds mature faster than larger breeds63. Female dogs are only ready to mate – “in heat” – twice ayearfor a total of roughly 20 days64. Puppies sleep ninety percent of the day for their firstfewweeks65. Rin Tin Tin was the first Hollywood dog star66. … and he really signed his movie contracts – all 22 of them–with a pawprint67. The Wizard of Oz’s Toto was played by a female CairnTerriernamed Terry68. Their vision is not fully developed until after the1stmonth69. Dogs have two times as many muscles to move their earsaspeople70. The longer a dog’s nose, the more effective it’sinternalcooling system71. An elderly woman was saved by her 12 pound YorkshireTerrierwho fought off an 80 pound Akita and survived with only9stitches72. U.S. Customs dogs “Rocky” and “Barco” were so goodatpatrolling the border that Mexican drug lords put a $300,000bountyon their heads73. Dogs are all direct descendants of wolves74. Wolves and dogs can mate to produce fertile offspring75. Female wolves have been known to travel great distancestoregurgitate full meals for their hungry pups76. Cerberus was the tri-headed dog that guarded theunderworldin Greek mythology77. Female dogs bear their young for 60 days beforethey’reborn78. Dogs’ sense of hearing is more than ten times more acutethana human’s79. Humans can detect sounds at 20,000 times per second,whiledogs can sense frequencies of 30,000 times per second.80. The earliest dog fossil dates back to nearly 10,000 B.C.81. Bloodhounds are prized their ability to single outandidentify a number of scents simultaneously82. Dalmatian puppies are born completely white.83. The Ancient Chinese carried Pekingese puppies in thesleevesof their robes84. Boxers are so named because of their manner of playingwiththeir front paws85. All breeds of dog have been found to attack livestock –from3 month old puppies, all the way up to thirteen yearoldpoodles86. A dog’s heart beats up to 120 times per minute, or 50%fasterthan the average human heartbeat of 80 times per minute87. The oldest dog on record – a Queensland “Heeler” namedBluey– was 29 years, 5 months old88. Davy Crockett had a dog named Sport89. Dogs were first domesticated by cavemen
Arctic Penguin Live Wallpaper 2.0
Happy Friday
Early Antarctic explorers actuallythoughtpenguins were fish and classified them accordingly. In fact,asbirds, they are superbly designed for their job, flyingunderwaterwith great skill. Their compact bodies have a breastbonethat makesan excellent keel and they have massive paddle muscles topropelthem at speeds up to 25 miles per hour.Waddling and energy savings - If you've ever seen apenguinwalking, you'll have seen it moves along with rather acomicalmotion swaying from side to side with each step like anupside downpendulum. This is a consequence of being a talltop-heavy animalwith short legs. Recently studies have found thatthis is actuallya very efficient way of walking with the swayingmotion leading toan 80% energy saving compared to a more staticwalk. They can movequicker and more efficiently out of the water by"tobogganing" onslippery icy or snowy surfaces, they lie down ontheir front andpush themselves with their feet, using strong toesand claws to geta grip, in this way they can outpace a runninghuman. Unlikely asthey look, penguins ways of moving themselves onland are effectiveenough to cover 100km or more at times if coldweather freezes thesea between the open water and their nestsite.Penguins can come out of the sea onto rocky shores orslipperyice during rough weather - strong claws that can grip ontoslippery surfaces efficiently make this look far easier thanitis.Smaller penguins "bounce" - Small size means less kineticenergyif the penguins are thrown around and so less damage. Thesmallerpenguin species can come out of crashing waves and roughseas oninhospitable, difficult rocky shores without being smashedtopieces precisely because they are small and so don't have somuchkinetic energy if bashed against a rock, an inherent toughnessandblubber padding helps too.Feet pulled in when swimming - like an aircraft pulling initslanding gear to reduce air resistance, penguins pull theirfeetclose to their bodies when swimming for maximum streamlininganddrag reduction. However when needed they can be used likeawater-brake, stuck out at the right moment, a penguin can useitsfeet to make a 180° turn in 1/5th of a second.Elbow and wrist joints are fused - this gives a morerigidforelimb that is developed into a paddle (flipper) forswimmingunderwater.Collect air in their feathers by preening - like manyotherbirds, penguins spend a lot of their time preening theirfeathers,much of this is to fluff the feathers out and so collectairamongst them, this is done particularly before going to sea.Thereare two benefits, firstly it aids insulation and secondly whenthepenguin swims particularly quickly this air is releasedasmicro-bubbles which lubricates the penguins path through thewater,so reducing drag. It has been shown that penguins can leavethewater in a burst of speed in this manner that is twicetheirtheoretical swimming speed without it. Particularly useful ifbeingpursued by a predator or if a jump to extra height is neededto getonto the ice and out of the water.Nest building - All but king and emperor penguins build anest,though they are usually only a simple pile of stones thatarecontinually stolen and swapped between the members of a colonywhenthe owners aren't looking. The nests are slightly higher thanthesurrounding land so that if the temperature rises and thesnowmelts, the nest is not flooded. Emperor and King penguins keeptheegg and then the young chick on their feet covered by a broodpouchuntil they are large enough to regulate their owntemperature.
Winter Life Animals Live WP 2.0
Happy Friday
Christmas is coming. This is the mostimportantholiday for all Christians when they celebrate the birthof JesusChrist and the most beautiful for all children, becausethey receivepresents on this day. But nowadays Christmas is beingcelebratedalso in non-christian cultures, where the popular SantaClaus andthe Christmas tree and decorations are unavoidable. So,if you loveChristmas, browse this gallery of more than 200spectacularChristmas images and set your favorite one as awallpaper on yourmobile device. Merry Christmas, ho-ho-ho!We're absolutely thrilled with the phenomenal response we'vehadsince our first release. Thank you all for the wonderfulcomments!If you've enjoyed the free version, please considershowing yoursupport for our hard work by purchasing this fullversion which hasmany more features to enjoy.
Christmas Tree Live Wallpaper 2.0
Happy Friday
Christmas (which means "Feast day ofChrist")is a Christian holiday that honors the birth of Jesus(whomChristians believe is the Son of God), and a cultural holidayfornon-Christians.The day known as Christmas Day is celebrated on the 25th dayofDecember. It is one of the most important days of the yearforChristians, along with Easter when the death and resurrectionofJesus are celebrated. The season of preparing for Christmasiscalled Advent and begins on a Sunday about four weeksbeforeChristmas. The Christmas Season (called Christmastide) endsonJanuary 6 or the Twelfth Day of Christmas, in which Epiphanyisremembered.Christmas is celebrated all over the world, as areligiousholiday or as a time of celebration by Christiansandnon-Christians alike. The traditions are different from countrytocountry, but they nearly always include a feast, giving giftsorcards, and enjoying church or public festivities such assingingChristmas carols and songs. Santa Claus is a tradition inmanycountries of the world.Christmastime, as it is often called, is in the winter oftheNorthern Hemisphere, at a time when there were alreadyancientfestivals. Some of the traditions that are used forChristmas areolder than Christmas, or come from other non-Christiantraditionssuch as Yule. Modern traditions of Christmas often focuson thegiving of gifts. The season for retail stores to sell gifts,food,greeting cards, Christmas trees, and decorations begins thedayabout a month before Christmas Day.Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus. The story of howthishappened is told in part of the Bible known as the Gospels.Thereare four Gospels telling the life of Jesus. The Gospel ofLuketells the most about his birth, and the Gospel of Matthewtellsanother part of the story. The Gospel of John says that Jesuscamefrom God to bring his "Word" or message to all people.The Gospels say that many years before Jesus' birth, prophetshadtold a promise to the Jewish people that God would send themaMessiah, or holy teacher. Christians believe that thepromisedMessiah was Jesus. His mother was a young woman calledMary, whowas engaged, but not yet married to a carpenter calledJoseph.Joseph found out that Mary was pregnant and was upset. Hewaswondering what he should do, when an angel came from God totellhim that the baby was the Holy One. The angel said that hemustname the baby. This was a sign that he would take care of itlikehis own child.At this time, the Middle East was ruled by the Romans. Anordercame that all the people had to travel back to their hometown, toput their names on the taxation lists. Joseph took his newwife toBethlehem. There was nowhere for them to stay, except astablewhere the animals slept. This is where the baby was born.Josephcalled him Jesus, as the angel had said.The baby Jesus had two lots of visitors. On the night hewasborn, angels told some shepherds in the fields that they wouldfinda newborn king lying in an animals' feed bin (or manger).Jesus'other visitors were some wise men who saw a new star in thesky andfollowed it, until they found the house where the family wasnowliving and gave the young child expensive gifts of gold,incenseand a precious herb called myrrh. (The wise men areoftentraditionally called the Three Kings, because there were threeveryexpensive presents but the Bible does not say how many wisementhere were.)All these parts of the Christmas story are rememberedandcelebrated in different ways at Christmas: in pictures,songs,plays, stories and in models that are called "cribs","creches" or"presepe".
Play with Lion Cub Live WP 1.0
Happy Friday
Angry lion revenge simulator is an amazing3Dsimulator for all angry lion lovers! You can become the beastandchase other animals to attack and feed on them.In this game, you will be able to control the lion in all itsfuryand help it stay alive by chasing animals like goats, horsesandsheep. It will attack everything that comes in its way.Remember,the angry lion is hungry and angry. If it does not eatotheranimals quickly, it will not be able to survive or takerevengefrom these animals.This beautiful video wallpaper displaying Lion cub playingwith your phone. The background of your phone will displaythe video with the little lion cub. Images are real andmoving! This is not a picture!The lion (Panthera leo) is one of the four big cats in thegenus Panthera and a member of the family Felidae. With somemales exceeding 250 kg (550 lb) in weight, it is thesecond-largest living cat after the tiger. Wild lionscurrently exist in sub-Saharan Africa and in Asia (wherean endangered remnant population resides in Gir ForestNational Park in India) while other types of lions havedisappeared from North Africa and Southwest Asia in historictimes. Until the late Pleistocene, about 10,000 years ago,the lion was the most widespread large land mammal afterhumans. They were found in most of Africa, across Eurasiafrom western Europe to India, and in the Americas from theYukon to Peru. The lion is a vulnerable species, having seena major population decline in its African range of 30–50% pertwo decades during the second half of the 20th century. Lionpopulations are untenable outside designated reserves andnational parks. Although the cause of the decline is notfully understood, habitat loss and conflicts with humansare currently the greatest causes of concern. Within Africa,the West African lion population is particularly endangered.Walk around the wild jungle and use the attack button totargetand chase other animals. You can also use the sneak attackbuttonto not be detected and get up close to the other animalsbeforejumping on them. The game has amazing animations and cameraangles,especially during action.How To use:Long Press on Home Screen: -> Select Wallpapers -> SelectLiveWallpapers -> Select "Free Live Wallpaper" from the list->Set as Wallpaper.Welcome to download free lion live wallpaper!Now comes with free 3D particle effects! So cool!Plenty of backgrounds you can choose now! Free forever!The lion is the king of the jungle! People worship the lion!You can't miss this really cool live wallpaper foryouAndroid!Please rate for this app or share it with your friends tosupportus!Thank you!Features:- Amazing 3D live wallpaper for your phone!- Full support for landscape mode and home - screenswitching!- Amazing HD graphics;- Motion of flashes and lights keeps changing with time.- Optimized Battery Usage- Compatible with 99% mobile phone devices.- The wallpaper app will sleep when your phone is inactive, sothislive wallpaper will not drain your battery.
Dino Island 3D Live Wallpaper 1.0
Happy Friday
Tyrannosaurus rex is possibly the mostwellknown dinosaur due to its huge size, ferocious nature andregularappearances in popular media. Thanks to a number of wellpreservedfossils, the T-Rex has been studied in detail bypaleontologistsall around the world.‘Tyrannosaurus’ comes from the Greek words meaning‘tyrantlizard’, while the word ‘rex’ means ‘king’ in Latin.Tyrannosaurus rex is often abbreviated to T-Rex.Tyrannosaurus rex lived in an area of the Earth that now makesupwestern North America.Tyrannosaurus rex walked on two legs, balancing its hugeheadwith a long and heavy tail that sometimes contained over40vertebrae.Tyrannosaurus rex measured up to 13m (42ft) in length, 4m(13ft)at the hip and could weigh up to 7 tons!The skull of a Tyrannosaurus rex alone measured up to 1.5m(5ft)long.The largest tooth of any carnivorous dinosaur found to thisdateis that of a T-Rex. It is estimated to have been around 30cm(12in)long when including the root.When Tyrannosaurus rex hit around the age of 14 its bodysizewould increase rapidly, putting on around 600kg (1300lb) ayearover the next 4 years.Tyrannosaurus rex had small arms that were extremely powerfulandfeatured two clawed fingers.Tyrannosaurus rex lived in the late Cretaceous Period, around66million years ago.Because of the lack of concrete evidence, it is difficultforscientists to work out how fast Tyrannosaurus rex could run,withestimates ranging from as low as 17kph (11mph) to as high as70kph(43mph). Average estimates suggest a max speed of around40kph(25mph).There is also strong debate about whether Tyrannosaurus rex wasapredator or scavenger. It had small arms which would have madeithard to grip prey, suggesting it may have been a scavenger. Ontheother hand, evidence in favor of it being a predator includesitsforward pointing eyes which give better depth perception andmakeit easier to hunt.In 1997 the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicagopurchasedan 85% complete Tyrannosaurus rex fossil skeleton(nicknamed ‘Sue’after its discoverer Sue Hendrickson) for 7.6million US dollars,making it the most expensive dinosaur skeletonto date.Along with Stegosaurus and Iguanodon, Tyrannosaurus rex wasoneof three dinosaurs that inspired the appearance of Godzilla.Tyrannosaurus rex was represented in the popular Transformerstoyline and animated series as Grimlock, an Autobot thatcouldtransform into a powerful Tyrannosaurus rex.